Chance/Advise me - Indian student

Please chance me on colleges, im hoping to go for Comp Science in 2014
Please dont be mean k? thanks</p>

<p>SAT (In 2012): 540 CR 570 W 620M - 1730 </p>

<p>SAT (October 2013): Expecting 620CR 680W 720M - 2020ish (Anywhere around 1950-2050 im pretty confident)</p>

<p>SAT II : Math 2 and Physics; expecting 700+ in both </p>

<p>Top 10% of my class, top my class in computer science for the past two years if that counts, although my grades did fluctuate in 11th grade I have an 8.2 GPA in 9th and 8.8 in 10th</p>

<p>Tons of EC's, off the top of my head:
-National level player in basketball; captain of my state
-School team athlete with records and medals in track and field
-School team boxer attending training camps around the country
-Member of school editorial board
-Member of english debating society in school</p>

<p>My recommendations are glowing and I kid you not, I have two recs from my math and CS teachers.</p>

<p>Essays are decent.</p>

<p>Applying to:</p>

U chicago
Texas A&M
Florida Tech
U of Denver (As safety)</p>

<p>PLEASE tell me if I have a shot, also please recommend colleges for me to apply to (GOOD ONES) which I can hope to get accepted to </p>

<p>NOTE: Im also hoping for financial aid, so yeah thats a pretty big deal to me so preferably good colleges which provide aid for intls which can accept me?
Thanks alot you guys</p>

<p>The last five colleges on your list have no international student financial aid. The first three are excessively competitive and therefore there is a very good chance that you may not get into any of them.</p>

<p>bump </p>

<p>Which colleges have aid for intl students? Im really confused :confused:
And I mean, Im probably not Ivy material but im pretty sure I can land a top tier college so what do you recommend?</p>

<p>You need to look at private schools that have somewhat higher admission rates than the first three on your list. Look into the smaller <a href=ā€œā€></a> schools. They are all pretty good in engineering and science.</p>