Chance an Asian High School Junior for T20 CS [parents will only pay for top 20 or Oregon State]

Hi, thanks for the reply

I’ll definitely keep this in mind. Thanks for all the help

Hi, thanks for the reply

I appreciate the article, it was a good read and I’ll definitely be referencing it in the future.

Is there any way to find out besides just asking an undergrad there or is that the only way to find out?

So is the difference between a commuter and a residential campus basically the out-of-class experience? If so, I’ll definitely be more considerate of this.

Is hyperlink on research something that CC just did automatically, because it sent me to a website that doesn’t seem to be affiliated with U Portland


It’s a modified CSU application. I never saw it, as my son did it on his own. @Gumbymom has all the details though.

Nothing wrong with a budget option, but don’t fall into a trap. Notably good based on what? If you go by USNWR rankings you could easily pay more to go to a school where on average you’ll make far less money than if you were to attend Cal Poly, Harvey Mudd, or Pomona, none of which are ranked in USNWR because they don’t offer PhDs.

Salary data is heavily influenced by the region where graduates tend to work, and all three are in CA. I’m not saying they are better than Illinois, Texas, etc. I’m saying you should dig a little deeper than to rely on a self perpetuating ranking system that literally relies on no objective data.

You’ll do well wherever you land. Look for fit and don’t overpay for rank alone. This site is littered every year with students who did that and are now looking for transfer advice.

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You can ask here on the forum or can do a search on the forum with the university’s name and religion.

Yes, that is the biggest difference, in my opinion.

Yes, that’s a College Confidential thing. Disregard any “research” link that is highlighted, unless the person has said that particularly word is going to take you to someplace useful.

The CSU’s (Cal States) have their own application for the 23 campuses. Each CSU will have some supplemental questions to answer (supplemental factors they consider in their application review) but are mainly stat based.

No essays, LOR’s or listing of your EC’s. Cal Poly SLO will ask for # of hours/week for your EC’s, if they are major related and if you have a leadership role but you cannot go into detail or list the types of EC’s.

All CSU’s calculate a CSU capped weighted GPA using 10-11th grades for the CSU a-g courses taken the summer prior to 10th grade through the summer prior to 12th grade. Cal Poly SLO is the exception which uses 9-11th grades for their GPA calculation. A student is given 1 honors point in the calculation for each semester of an AP/IB or DE class taken during this time with a cap of 8 semesters of Honors points. California HS students will also get honors points for UC/CSU approved Honors classes but not for OOS applicants.

Maximum CSU capped weighted GPA is 4.4. For SLO, it is around 4.35 since there is an extra year of courses used in the calculation.

Here is Freshman admission information for the CSU’s along with the GPA calculator:

SLO has higher recommendations for the # of a-g courses than the average 15 minimum and also if you took HS level courses of Math and Foreign Language courses in Middle school, those courses need to be listed on the application. Ie. Algebra/Geometry, Spanish 1 etc…


Maybe add in University of Oregon as well?


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