<p>help me narrow down this list pls!!! i cnat afford applying to 20 colleges :(</p>
<p>v little aid at the colleges that guy mentioned in your list!
no safeties for any international student yaar. The only 8 colleges that practice need blind admissions for international students have very low acceptance rates:
Mit yale harvard princeton dartmouth amherst williams middlebury</p>
<p>yeah.. i know tat... more than aid, these safety colleges offer loads of merit scholarships.. tats y i chose them.. but i know tat ter r no guaranteed safeties for internationals..</p>
<p>I perceive your SAT scores are not rly strong.
The positive aspect is your commitment for cocurricular activities :)</p>
<p>Those are certainly in the ball park. However, you now have to make sure you polish up your essays and supps as well.</p>
<p>yeah… I’m working on that only now… thank you</p>
<p>I think for Indian students, its more what board you took and how much you got on the boards that matters than what your GPA is. What board for 10th and which one for 12th?</p>
<p>And international aid is very very difficult to get for international students. Most colleges treat it as a seperate pile and chances of admission fall drastically. It might be better to not apply for aid and later get a part-time job or something there.</p>
state board-12th
n a part-time job?? u kidding? the fee comes to a 50 grand!! where will i earn tat kinda money??</p>
<p>Yea, even i disagree with the part time job advice… No serious money for internationals there that way.</p>
<p>seriously!!!?? is the situation tat bad??? aid for intls i.e??
its not lik i’m targettn the ivies right?? all 2nd tier colgs… tat offer decent aid packages</p>
<p>haha, yes, you’re totally right; part-time jobs wont get you too far.
but they’ll help a little, and the point i’m trying to make is that if its a choice between applying for aid and getting money from another source, i’d say turn to the other source, even if it means a lot more work.
and i’m indian too, i’m also worried about how freakishly expensive it is :)</p>
<p>that makes sense… but i’ve been looking into so many sites for scholarships n stuff… i jus couldnt find any inspite of so much materials n i’m afraid i don have any other source…</p>
<p>Hi neethu16, I’m an applicant from Singapore–I haven’t any clue about the smaller LACs, as I’m applying to only the top tier. I just wanted to shout it out to you–Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll do fine.</p>
<p>hehe tanx Good luck to you too which colgs r u applying to?</p>
<p>MIT, Princeton, Harvey Mudd, Wellesley and Reed.</p>
<p>wowie… good luck… ru applying to colleges in singapore? nus, ntu??</p>
<p>Yes, I’m applying to NTU. But I think that… among the colleges on my list, if I only get into Reed and NTU, then I’d consider NTU. Otherwise, I’d prefer MIT, Princeton, Harvey Mudd and Wellesley :)</p>
<p>thats cool… best of luck with ur applications/admissions :)</p>
<p>Not applying to NUS, fiona?</p>
<p>Take a look at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Its a pretty decent university and also in 50-100. Its public and offers full ride scholarships to international undergrad. Looking at your score, its definitely worth a try. If you are majoring in engineering, pharmacy or journalism, definitely go for KU. If its liberal arts or sciences, I suggest rhodes is the better option.</p>