Chance an aspiring International Relations/ Philosophy major at top 20s', UMich, Georgetown, and BC! [3.99/1530]

From OP’s previous thread, it appears as though the budget is about $20k/year for “Top 20s”:

@bolzn, are you still guaranteed to get free tuition at IU? If so, that’s a fabulous safety for you.

You have a definite shot at all of these schools, but they’re reaches for pretty much everyone, including you. Even if your odds are 2 or 3x greater than the “average” applicant, that may mean you have a 10-15% shot rather than a 5% shot. So within reach, yes, but odds for an acceptance are not in your favor.

With your budget, why is Michigan still on your list? Do you have any German/EU schools on your list?

If you’re happy with IU, then you can keep up with your reaches or IU list. Did you look at any of the other recommendations from the other thread?

  • George Washington (which also has full tuition scholarships for which I’d think you’d be competitive)
  • Tufts
  • Dickinson
  • U. of Mississippi
  • College of Charleston

(rationale for those was in this post)