Chance an extremely variable applicant with strange ECs. Also help find a better list of unis to apply to [CA resident, 3.42 GPA (3.76/4.03/4.52 for UC); math + ? major]

But how would any university know that? There is not a place on the application to explain each and every grade, to show that your B in a class is the same as an A+ from another school or teacher. It’s a B and that’s how it will be considered on an application. Do you think Ivies or foreign schools are going to investigate every grade on your transcript? No, it isn’t going to happen.

But who cares? You asked for people to chance you and you’ve received a lot of opinions that you didn’t really want at all. Do it your way. There are some programs that have students doing what you want to do, DE for your last 2 years of hs and entering college as a junior. In Florida students do this, get an AA degree alson with their hs diplomas, and continue on in college. They may still need some requirements for their majors beyond the 60 credits one would normally earn as a college jr/sr, so they may have to do an extra semester or some summer terms. Will some of the colleges on your list take all 60 credits from the community college? No. Some schools have a max transfer limit of 24 credits from hs (credits earned while you were still in hs, including those DE credits). Some schools require your final 60 credits to be from THAT college (they are, after all, giving you a degree from that school and want you to have learned and earned it from that school).

Do it your way. Don’t complain if it doesn’t work out as quickly as you think it should.

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What do I intend to research in mathematics? I have a lot of things I’m interested in but will most likely pick what I will go after in particular in the future. However, it’s important to note that I’m not too worried about picking what I’m going to do because at the bachelors level mathematics doesn’t really have any specializations and for grad school you first have to take the big 5 classes (analysis, set theory, topology, number theory, and algebra) before even thinking about anything you want to get into. But, I’m currently I’m interested in researching Lies, Galois groups, and really anything set related. However this isn’t something I’ve started to get into just yet as I really don’t want to “spoil” me learning these items by self-studying them so I pretty much only know the basics (Lies are groups that are topological, Galois sets are sets that unify groups and fields, etc.)

Why math? 2 reasons: 1 I didn’t bother looking into higher-level mathematics to see what’s actually being done in maths (I thought that mathematics pretty much just ended at statistics, linear algebra and calculus-related subjects) and 2: I didn’t didn’t know that people could actually major in mathematics.

I was always good at maths, at the time I made that thread I wasn’t passionate because I didn’t know what higher-level maths had in store for me. However, summer of this year I learned about the existence of the Langlands Program and the Collatz Conjecture which led me down the long and winding rabbit hole that is modern maths. Then I actually had a IB Math teacher who has a very advanced math background (I want to say he’s a masters in physics seeing how he specializes in physics and all of my other IB teachers have masters degrees in something). He actually pointed me towards reading Apostol’s and Spivak’s calculus textbooks which I ended up falling in love with and now I’m here.

Oh I know that most universities are going to investigate grades, I’m just saying that I’m still proud. I can take pride in my own accomplishments even if people don’t understand why I’m proud of those accomplishments. Either way: Ivies are not really going to care about 1 more B+ on my transcript when it’s already flooded with Bs in the first 3 semesters lol.

And I am listening to advice. I don’t understand why a lot of people are pretending as if I’m not listening. I’m disregarding the idea that I should take less classes (my maximum unweighted GPA without those classes would be a 3.56 and that’s assuming I apply regular decision. Not a bad GPA by any means but if I can do better why not do better? Why not aim for a 3.79 by the end of junior year and even go above and beyond and try to get above a 3.8 for regular decision? It’s not as if I’m going to be doing a whole lot more ECs without these classes as I tend to drop many of my ECs like a rock lol).

However, I am still listening to the advice that universities do often reject credits from other institutions. I’m keeping this in mind and starting to go back and look at the DE credit policies of the schools I’m being recommended and schools that I’m interested in applying towards. I also want to make it clear for the international institutions and the institutions with the “my beloved” after them I am honestly not going to care about a whole lot of anything. I will 9/10 enroll in that school even if none of my credits transfer and it’s too expensive for my family to afford. Alright that’s a bit of an exaggeration but I think that it’s important to note that credits transferring, while a large goal, isn’t the only goal I have and will not be the most important factor for picking which school I’m enrolling into.

At the end of the day: There is no harm by taking these classes for me as even if they don’t transfer, they still significantly improve my UWGPA and greatly improve my WGPA. And if they don’t transfer and I have to retake them then so be it, these classes will make the classes I take at university way easier for at least a year while I get adjusted.

Even in the worst case scenario where none of my credits are transferred what am I losing out on? I’m doing what I enjoy in high school, making my GPA significantly higher, receiving an advanced education for free, and making the classes I take in college easier. In exchange I lose out on what? All I’m losing is 2 hours per week day to finish and do my studies for these classes and like an extra hobby that I would end up dropping in a years time. Yeah I think I know which side of the exchange I want to be on.

A few reminders - CC is supposed to be a friendly and welcoming place and that arguing is not permitted.

OP has an updated thread, so closing this