Chance an extremely variable applicant with strange ECs. Also help find a better list of unis to apply to [CA resident, 3.42 GPA (3.76/4.03/4.52 for UC); math + ? major]

But you have about a gazillion choices in the Cali state system. Are you all that anxious to leave the state?

Tbh I definitely would rather leave the state than continue to live here. Honestly, my dream schools are the international unis as I really don’t want to live in the US anymore. However, going to like a “match” or a “safety” in a foreign country isn’t exactly worth it so that’s why all of my int schools are hard reaches.

But as one can assume, I just want to get out of Cali as much as possible. There’s definitely a lot of dope schools here (hence why a lot of my list is made up of Cali schools) but the list you’re seeing I wrote after going through all of the CSUs and UCs (which is also why I have Humboldt here lol)

Yet, so far, Arizona is the only Match you can see yourself traveling to - in this country. Am I missing something?

Is ASU that hard to get into? It’s a 90% acceptance rate for OOS students. I also have stated that I’m interested in Texas Tech and Southern Methodist University.

Major reason why you don’t see that many other matches is because… I just don’t have that many other matches. It’s a selection bias there’s not a whole lot of OOS schools that come in to my school district to advertise themselves that aren’t complete reaches. The only one that I can think of off the top of my mind rn is Syracuse and probably because the person they sent over was annoying as hell but I’m not really thrilled about the prospects of applying there so I haven’t included it.

It’s hard for me to find OOS schools that aren’t either worse than ASU or unreasonably difficult to get into.

I think you’ve answered your own thread.

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Is ASU affordable?

Sorry. I meant to respond to the OP.

He seems to think it is. You would have to scroll up about 90 posts to find his rationale.

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As I’ve stated: I have no clue. My family refuses to talk to me about finances and every time I bring it up they either yell at me or if I mention a certain university they’ll refuse to finance me going to that university (hence no HYP). I’m going to guess for now I just apply to a ton of unis and then talk finances when it comes to pick one. That seems to be what my family wants to do so I’ll give it to them because I really don’t want to have yet another argument when it comes down to finances cause it grates everyone’s gears.

DM - This is what he said earlier this afternoon:

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I mean I know ASU is good but I don’t think it’s so good that there’s literally no universities of a similar quality that are as easy to get into and the closest universities in quality are all reach institutions

Yeah this was actually written about 2 hours before I had a speaker from UCLA at my school reveal that FAFSA and financial aid is changing in a major way (now they look at the funds from the highest earner of your household rather than just parental income). This idea no longer works lol.

Scholarships are still available though but most of my unis have now shot up in price because of this change

I think people are reluctant to do your homework for you, especially if all it means is scrolling through thirty or so flagship unis similar in size to ASU.

I know those flagships exist, what i’m more asking for is just schools that you know of and have high opinions of that the average probably doesn’t know of.

Like some of the unis I apply to are unis that don’t even pop up here (SMU and Humboldt). Like yeah, flagships exist, but I don’t want to limit my range y’know? People know of unis that the average person wouldn’t know of and pretty much the only way you can do that is through like Niche maybe? Even then Niche does a pretty bad job at helping me find unis (though I’m thankful that it helped me knock off High Point and Adelphi off my list)

It’s hard finding random unis, I can always learn about flagship unis pretty easily (just type in University of (insert state here)). However, the average person isn’t going to mention SMU or Humboldt which are 2 unis that I also happen to adore. There’s more unis than just flagships that are of a high quality.

Like this is a matchme or a chanceme, so far only 1 has happened, I think it’s reasonable to understand why I’m starting to get frustrated because this is just not what I’m looking for.

I’m thankful for all of the advice, I’m not thankful for the fact that ultimately I haven’t achieved any of my goals from here.

Gotcha. In that case I think your only safety would be in state CC to uni.

After that, I suggest researching schools that meet need where you have a good chance of acceptance based on your stats. This may mean making compromises on some preferences like size and location.

Here’s a sampling to research. Give us feedback so we can think of others.

Denison, Colorado College, Elon, Rhodes, Trinity, Union… not all meet need but there’s a chance of enough aid to be affordable.

Indiana, Alabama, Utah, New Mexico… large publics typically offer little need aid to OOS students but you may have a chance at merit.


Calling @tsbna44 !!!

The amount of time and energy you’ve spent on this thread could’ve been spent researching other match colleges that you are asking other people to research for you…

@kelsmom Would this apply to the OP since the mother makes around $15k but the grandfather is providing primary financial support? Would the grandparents income be considered for FAFSA?

Also, for CSS schools, as long as OP gets the non-custodial waiver I believe only mom’s financials would be considered. Correct?

If so, the schools using the CSS profile may provide the best financial options.

Public U for math and science which is superb and many people have never heard of… Missouri S and T. Can you get in, is it affordable, I have no idea. For math… Rutgers University which is the flagship U of New Jersey.


Denison is definitely the kind of place I’d like to live at, however, I don’t really want to just simply “live” at a university and it’s a bit too slow pace/calm for me. Great place for me to go if I didn’t had a goal of skipping 2 years of college lol. Looking at DE credits same applies apparently, they accept DE, AP, and IB credits but the credits cannot count towards your major. Also this is a reach institution but I found out after looking into it lol. It is extremely cheap however. Maybe if the institution was a bit more lively or had a stronger culture I’d be willing to go there

Colorado College is a reach institution for me. Also fairly cheap! I think if I were to drop MIT I would apply here instead. I have no idea if ED gives a better acceptance chance here. It’s definitely a lot more fast pace and just generally lively than Denison and a lot of the other unis mentioned. It sucks that it’s extremely competetive because I’d definitely enjoy myself being here. It also sucks that it has a high crime rate and its housing is poor but tbh I’ve survived Beirut before I think I can survive what’s considered a high crime rate for an American lol

Elon I’ve heard of and they definitely were extremely popular at my college fair. I wanted to ask about them there but I didn’t get the opportunity to so I thank you for reminding me about this university. This university is pretty much just a partier version of Colorado with similar academics so this I actually hold to a higher regard.

But yea I think this has definitely helped me shape a lot more what I’m looking for in a university. Though I’m still a bit nebulous on what I want since all I know is that I want to go to a place that offers solid academics so I don’t get blacklisted from academia and that I want a place with a strong community overall.

Nice food is a plus but isn’t relevant

Location not particularly relevant either, although the unis you advised I believe were all a bit far from a city center which I definitely would prefer

Class size I don’t particularly care about either, nor do I care for the safety of the school or the housing situation. Although if I had to pick between which one to focus on I’d definitely say housing, I’m fine with going to large lectures and fine with going to a dangerous place but I don’t really want to live in a poor quality dorm.

I’ll go ahead and look into unis that are like this though it’s definitely annoying since I have to read a couple dozen reviews of the uni from alums lol

I’ma be honest Rutgers always feels like it should have a much lower acceptance rate than it actually does. I wouldn’t be too surprised if by the time I graduate from grad school its acceptance rate is sub 20% lol. Rutgers is definitely one of the best math institutions I just forgot it’s not as prestigious as I thought it was. I’ll definitely be adding it to the list solely because of its math education quality + I believe that while its community isn’t as strong as other options it still has a strong community.

As for Missouri S and T I haven’t heard of this one and I’ll look into it. I definitely am a bit interested in Ole Miss but this is clearly not Ole Miss lol