Chance an international for U Miami ED!

Hi! I am an Aisan female and following are my stats:

GPA: – (we don’t have a GPA system)
Class rank: – (not those either)
O Levels: 6 As and 2 As.
AS Levels: 3 As, 1 C
A Levels: Accounting (A
), Business Studies (A*), Economics (B)
SAT: 1940 (U Miami does not consider SAT scores from international students however)

Intended major: Accounting

Extracurricular Work:

  • x1 Marketing internship (160 hours)
  • Tutor to high school kids (168+ hours)
  • Tutor to underprivileged children (320+ hours)
  • Babysitting (275+ hours)
  • Community service for a local orphanage (about 27 hours a year)
  • Writer for two local and one international magazine
  • Music (vocal)
  • Sports (table tennis, badminton, and throw ball)


  • Valedictorian (class of 2013)
  • Came off as fourth best at an Accounting Quiz orgranized by CIMA-UK
  • Full tuition scholarship winner in high school

Leadership positions:

  • Head Girl (class of 2013)
  • President Literary Society.
  • Member of the student council (middle school and high school)

Demonstrated interest: None! International applicant so can’t visit or interview. What should I do?!

How do my chances look?

Also, I’d really appreciate if someone can shed some light on the threat of hurricanes in Miami. Thanks!