Hi. I am an international student (from Pakistan) and Union is my dream college! I have applied ED II and want to know if I have a real shot or not.
O Levels - 6 A*s and 2 As
AS Level - 3 As and 1 C
SAT I - 1940 (didn’t submit)
Rank - school doesn’t rank but counselor said I am easily in the top 10%
GPA - we don’t have GPAs either (British curriculum)
Honors - Valedictorian (class of 2013)
Essay - Strong
Supplement - Average to strong (talked about an incident with my schizophrenic sister)
Recommendations - Stellar! Teachers and counselor know me really well
My ECs are mostly writing related. I was Head Girl in grade 11 and currently head the school Literary Society.
HOWEVER, I think I have a weak course load (only 3 A2 subjects) and I’d need almost a full ride.
What are my chances?
I think your chances are very good of admission, however Union college is known for giving poor financial aid. Even the merit-based scholarships are hard to receive. I do believe that you will receive some money though with your statistics!
I wouldn’t be able to attend if my full need is not met! This is what has me worried.
Anyone else willing to chance me?
I dont think thats true, some of my friends from Roots school were awarded 90 to 95% financial aid at Union last year even with mediocre applications.
@cityrazzledazzle i think you have a solid shot at Union. Infact you should’ve also applied to NYU.
Go to ask.fm there are some guys from Dartmouth and some other colleges and they can guide you and chance you for good. Search “Adil Ahsan ask.fm” or “Altamash ask.fm” and they’ll appear in the top few searches
@CollegeGuy007 thank you for your reply. Actually I was rejected by Union and the reason they stated in their letter was that I was asking for too much aid.
I didn’t apply to NYU because the NYC campus is known to be stingy with its aid and the other two campuses just didn’t appeal to me all that much. Also I do know about the JT college counseling services
they are a bunch of helpful lads.
@cityrazzledazzle Oh, thats sad to hear :l
Did you ask for like 100% financial aid or what?
Yepp, I asked for an almost full ride.