Chance and match me please! Bowdoin/Wesleyan/Kenyon/Pomona for literature major? [3.95, 1590]

I would expect the OP would greatly benefit from your insights on Kenyon College, where your D attended, and its robust offerings for a student interested in literature and philosophy.

It’s a quasi-inside, and harmless, joke from another thread. Nobody in this thread is doing anything but supporting Kenyon as a viable choice for the OP. In fact, my post is dripping with “look at Kenyon young man” advice, and after your post about Hamilton, I fully expected to see you share your thoughts on why a student like the OP might thrive at Kenyon, whose reputation in his areas of interest is well understood.

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Also, my daughter has taken all kinds of music lessons at Kenyon, so OP is welcome to pm me for more information.

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So, what’s your connection with Hamilton?

“It’s a quasi-inside, and harmless, joke from another thread.”

Posts that are inside jokes between two regular posters can be confusing for those who are not in on the joke. In this case, to me it came across as a criticism of Kenyon. This was not the impression I wanted the OP left with.

Well, I overstated in using “inside”. It’s on another available thread and it’s not between two posters; and at least I didn’t read it as a criticism of the school, but obviously opinions vary.

Now that we’re focused on Kenyon, as well we should be, it would be advisable IMO to forget about the misunderstanding and put the bandwidth to better use helping the OP better appreciate the virtues of Kenyon. With a D having graduated English there, you are one of the two posters in this thread who have perhaps the most valuable insight to share.

With respect to its predominate social characteristics, Kenyon may be somewhat hipster:

In considered the article, note that it appears to have been written with a degree of satire.

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  1. a person who follows the latest trends and fashions in clothing and lifestyle, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.

A bit ironic to use a 4 year old article about “hipsters” which are defined as those that “follow the latest”.:grinning:

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