Chance and Match Me with below avg ECs for T20s

  • NJ/public school/Asian/Female/low-income/permanent resident/sister in college (NYU)
  • Biology/Pre-med/Human Health
  • UW: 3.8 W: 4.2 (school doesn’t rank)
  • SAT 1530 ACT 35
  • Subject test: bio - 780 chem - 790
  • AP Lang AP Stat AP Physics AP Latin AP Calc AP Psychology AP Biology (the last 4 will be in senior year and none of the results have come out yet…)
  • 4 years of Latin
  • Scholastic Gold Key in Critical Essay
  • internship/mentor with Cornell professor
  • possible internship with pharm. company
  • volunteer at local hospital (now suspended due to COVID)
  • tutored elementary to high school students for 4 years
  • church leadership AWANA
  • National Latin Exam Maxima Cum Laude (2020) Summa Cum Laude (2019)
  • Biliteracy test latin
  • NHS
  • Community emergency service
  • raised $500 for Yemen Hope and Relief

I’m sorry if this is disorganized. I don’t usually post,but right now I really like UPenn and Cornell Human Ecology. I don’t even hope for Harvard, Yale, Princeton lol. Could someone give me some matches schools? I don’t have a grasp on what a matching college would be for me.

What is "community emergency service:? Are you an EMT?

Have you looked into eligibility for Questbridge?

Check out Pitt’s life science programs, Guaranteed Admissions Programs - Admissions | University of Pittsburgh Guaranteed Admission and scholarships
Scholarships - Financial Aid | University of Pittsburgh. with rolling admissions

Case Western
U Miami with health profession mentoring Health Professions Mentoring Program FAQs | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami

Washington Univ. St Louis

A match school wouldn’t be a T20, as far as anyone here could guess. Cornell sounds promising.

Could see list in similar threads about scholarships, your stats match some

oops sorry, i meant chance me for t20s and match me with whatever school that might fit. Thanks!

Like they said above…Questbridge, they will help match you.

Thank you! I looked into Questbridge a while ago but Pitt’s program sounds pretty good!

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It’s a youth group where we’re sort of EMTs-in-training? We help out with community events and answer on call to emergencies.

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