<p>I did not apply yet and have some time in HS. do you have any tips on getting in to the astronomy program. i have created many astronomy and aerospace programs in my school. but they are not clubs so i feel as if i have noting expt a "Not so good" gpa (i should be thxful). any Suggestion on things i can put on my resume. this is what it will look like before i apply ed.</p>
<p> GPA 3.7 we
7 AP classes
3 honor classes
SAT unpredictable</p>
Rebel (anti-drug)
Student council ( running for p)
Class council (vp)
Academic Competition
Chess Club
Work and volunteer
Key club 1 ½ years
Wawa super market
Red cross (in Ethiopia, Africa)
Work experience program in the summer in uk (British law forbids child labor so no pay, I dont even think I should put it on )
Mostly school bound
National honors society
And a couple of programs in the clubs. That is it, So any ideas that relate to astronomy. thx</p>
<p>Well it’d help to exactly have the number of hours volunteered (around 300-400+ would be best). You’re gonna need higher SAT scores, 1900 is on the lower end. I’d suggest around a 2100-2200 or a 31-33/34 on the ACT. </p>
<p>I’d also try for may one or two more leadership positions, and get some more awards (NHS is a club pretty much). If the total number of APs you’ve taken is 7 (by senior year)… that may not be enough (unless of course 7 is just the number of em you took in jr alone with more to come in senior year).</p>
<p>With just what you’re giving us, I’m gonna say a high reach…</p>
<p>Ok so what can I do to fix it.
My class rank is 9%, and I am taking about 60% of the AP classes provided, which are open to me.
Regarding the programs I cant list all for the will expose my personal identity, but one is a model rocket program that named me as the chief engineer, something like that. But my worries are that they are programs within the club.
So what should I do!
Do I have a fighting chance or has that ship sailed to the sea of jave<br>
even if you dont know the answer give me your opinion</p>
<p>Well depending on what type of programs these are, I’m sure they’ll give you a reasonable bump. It’s hard to say nevertheless. I don’t understand by within the club, but, I believe you can list that you had various stuff going on for just one club. Plus, getting a letter of rec from the club advisor whose aware of your talents and efforts could work too. If that’s going to be THE highlight of your app, consider spending your essay on it.
Even with ED, it’s still gonna take a bit of a revamp for the big ‘push’.</p>
<p>What colleges do you want to go that offer astronomy? I think this may give you and us a better indication. </p>
<p>Sat’s-should be a little higher
Most top colleges such as ivy want above 2200
Classes-What scores did you get? I think the number of Ap classes is okay, your scores also matter
Volunterring - I think you would want at least 200 maybe something in Astronomy
Clubs-it seems you are a well-rounded person, that’s cool. Maybe positions would be nice.</p>
<p>First, don’t be too discourage by your first go (PSAT) and getting a 1900. It will go up IF you do the preparation needed. But it will take a lot of work and a lot of practice tests.</p>
<p>I think it will still be a low reach for you, even if you get a score of 2200 and maintain your uw GPA of 3.7. Certainly not impossible, just not very likely. I am not telling you this to discourage you from working hard to increase your SAT score and increase the number of AP classes you are currently taking. I tell you this so you can hopefully get into a top-tier non Ivy League school, if your dream of getting accepted to Cornell is not fulfilled. Best of luck to you.</p>
<p>We have something in common NASA26. I am apply for Mechanical Engineering because I want to specialize in Aerospace field.Even if Astronomy and Aerospace are not very ralated fields I occupied with Astronomy also. I can suggest you some things but I dont know if it will be helpful because we come from different countries.</p>
<p>In Astronomy field you can participate to national competitions.Either in the field of Aerospace. I saw some competitions from NASA site which were very good.You can go and look at them. Also you can write some articles in the field that you are interesting in most. Also you can be a member in astronomical societies and be an active member there. Therefore you can also write a scientefic paper. I am writing also a paper in Observatory Astronomy.</p>
<p>I hope and I wish that I was helpful!Good luck!I wish you the best!:)</p>
<p>I dont like it, but I am always harsh on these chance threads.
First of all 3.7 we isn’t that good even with 7 AP, but its “acceptable” if you have other hooks. It brings down your app tho. </p>
<p>I see so many ECs, but you should have significant accomplishments in each one. 3 strong ecs are better than 10 random and diltued ecs. </p>
<p>My advice for have an okay shot: Study your ass of for the sat and get ~ 2200. Try to develop a trend with your Ecs and try to show a passion or something about you within your activities. Write a hell of a good essay for your app. </p>
<p>But you are still very young, and haven’t even take the Sat, just try hard and do your best. Admission will come easier without trying as hard.</p>
<p>Oh, don’t be afred of being harsh. You won’t hurt my feelings. It is reality after all and i havnt made my deaison. What You tell me now is very help full. Thx to all of you by the way.
P.S I also found out the only way to x2 major in astronomy and aerospace eng!
Clic on the link for info,</p>
<p>well nasa 26 i think your too young, i belive you are a shop or a junior, i have seen your posts and think that you should stop thinking about college at this time.</p>