<p>Hi all</p>
<p>I'm applying to UK schools this year for economics</p>
<p>I'm a sophomore at northwestern univ (tranferred from uiuc after 1yr)</p>
<p>and have completed 1 yr and 2 quaters</p>
<p>at uiuc:
intro to micro(A),
intro to macro economics(A),
elementary linear algebra(A),
public speaking(A-),
principles of composition(A),
intro to advertising(A Honor),
intro to computing(A),
calculus for business 1(A),
perspectives in astronomy(A),
Human Communication(A)
gpa: 3.96</p>
<p>at northwestern:
intermediate micro(A),
intermediate macro economics(B),
international economics(A-),
Differential Calculus of Multivariable Functions(A),
Multiple Integration and Vector Calculus(A),
anthropology: evolution of human societies(B),
introductory statistics for social sciences(A),
<p>sats: 2000 tish but thinking about retaking if necessary
took 3 aps but just 3s so i won't send them
high school gpa was around 3.7 if i remember correctly</p>
<p>I know that in England, they use different criteria for college admissions and have different systems like A level AS level or mostly IB but the problem is I don't have any one of them.. just 1year and 2 quarters at US universities.
would it matter alot even if I've completed almost 2years of college?</p>
<p>what are my chances at cambridge, lse, st.andrews, warwick, and ucl?
thank you</p>