Chance at MIT?

<p>Hi. I am currently a Junior in high school and i am thinking of applying to MIT in my senior year for early action.</p>

<p>I am korean-american. (English is my second language)</p>

<p>By my senior year, my expected GPA is around 4.8 out of 5.0(weighted)</p>

<p>My composite SAT score is 2140</p>

<p>Math- 800
CR- 660
Writing- 680.</p>

<p>My rank is 24th out of 884.</p>

<p>For my extracurricular activities,</p>

<p>i have been in my church's praise band for 5 years and i've been the leader of the band for 2 years.</p>

<p>i've volunteered in my local library for past 2 years consistently.</p>

<p>i am the regimental commander in the JROTC in my school(the top person in charge).</p>

<p>Played baseball for 4 years, 2 years in varsity and will play varsity football in senior year.</p>

<p>I have started the school's math team.</p>

<p>I am in scholastic bowl team.</p>

<p>I have taken 4 years of math up to now (junior year including AP Calc BC and AP Statistics) and will take Multivariable Calculus and Physics in the community college.</p>

<p>I know i am a little shaky on my CR...</p>

<p>But i am confident that i can get an 800 on SAT II Math level 2.</p>

<p>I am planning on to take the SAT II Physics and Korean.</p>

<p>Also, would my strength in math compensate the weakness i have in english?</p>

<p>Do you guys think i would even have a smallest chance of getting accepted at MIT?</p>

<p>I REALLY REALLY want to get into MIT and i would like to know if i would even have a chance.</p>

<p>Please be honest. If you guys think i have no chance at all, please tell me so and why.</p>

<p>Thank you guys.</p>

<p>P.S. If no for MIT, how about Stanford, Princeton or Brown?</p>

<p>Also, do these schools superscore?</p>

<p>First of all, for Princeton U., your scores are okay but if you would like to increase them then you can. You might make it to Yale. For Stanford it is the same advice as for MIT(see below).</p>

<p>For MIT, it will be quite hard for you at this very point. Because: Your EC’s are somewhat weak. You might want to: First, increase CR score if you think you can to about 700 or above. 700 is certainly good. Second, ESL will not help because from your post i can assume that you had a fair amount of time studying in US. </p>

<p>The biggest part is: get some strong EC’s in that list like sports in which you can do good as well as contribute to the community i.e. leadership positions.</p>

<p>Lastly, if you think MIT is the right place for you then i can say that you are pretty much qualified for it. GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>All four of the schools superscore, to answer your question.</p>

<p>Sorry, but in my opinion you don’t stand a chance. Your SAT scores are a bit too low and your ec’s are, although a lot, a bit too common.</p>

<p>These are my stats. I’m senior Korean-American
SAT -2250 composite
Math IIC - 800
Biology - 770
Korean - 790</p>

<p>I have been playing in 2 orchestras for the past 5 years
I have been playing the violin for 6
I have a research paper out that was accepted to the WCECS 2008 (world congress on engineering and computer science)
I have been doing research for about 4 years
I have interned for a professor during the summer as a research assistant (made nanoparticles and STM tips)
I am an Eagle Scout.
AMC 12 score of 118.5 Qualified to go to AIME
etc. etc.</p>

<p>You still have time to improve. Try to do more science/math related activities. I don’t know if I got in yet for I find out today but you will be competing against kids like me and better. Good luck.</p>


And you scored what on the AIME, pray tell?</p>

<p>dtpride, I disagree with cheecheepong, you have leadership experience, sports, longevity in activities (Praise Choir) and volunteer work, plus you started the Math club at your school. Take the SAT’s again to improve reading score, sign up for the question of the day on College board. Continue doing well in school, line up some great recommendations from people you really know you and your character! GO FOR IT, don’t let people on CC quash your dreams. Good luck</p>

<p>I’d say your scores are fine for those schools. However, for those schools, nothing is guaranteed.</p>

are you trying to brag or something? I see nothing outstanding about your profile other than lots of meaningless lab work…
I don’t even know what “WCECS” is…you do know that you publish papers in JOURNALS right…</p>

<p>i agree with the above post - chee your not that great and are by no means a lock.</p>

<p>I am not trying to brag, nor am I trying to discourage dtpride29.
I am just saying that MIT is such a competitive school that judging by what he has done so far, he cannot be competitive enough against others. And to clarify, WCECS is the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (a Journal), as I mentioned earlier.
dtpride29’s activities are very good, however, I think that he is a bit too spread out in his ec’s and is not focused. Of course, I may be wrong.</p>

<p>And omgitsover9000, how can you judge me by my very brief resume that all I did was just meaningless lab work? To disagree, I worked on a project in developing a floating windmill out of permanent magnets which then my group and I published. We found out that our mechanism would increase the efficiency and longevity of current wind turbines. Now if that is meaningless lab work, what is not?</p>

<p>a 6 or a 7. Not exactly sure.</p>

<p>my father went to MIT… and my great great great something donated there (first ever multi-million dollar donation to a school - you might be able to guess who…)</p>

<p>but i go to a lot of alumn stuff and such… and they say the actually like having verbal and writing higher than math like 800 - 780 type thing… it is different… class rank is also important so maybe you want to get a little higher??.. and also just work on extra curriculars and you should have a good shot… what really tends to help is building something… i remember (i forget who) but someone went into their interview with an INSANE robot… you can not imagine how high-tech it was… that really helps</p>

<p>u need to take iBT and SAT II</p>