<p>Hey wondering if anyone can tell me my chances at the following schools.
(NY; Black; >200,000)</p>
<p>University of Connecticut (in love)
U of Rhode Island
U florida
Suny Bing
Suny Albany
Ohio state
U Mich
U maryland </p>
<p>Stats -</p>
<p>3.47 uw
I forgot my weighted . After junior year I've completed 3 APs and 1 honor class , and I'm taking 5 aps senior year .</p>
<p>Sat - 680- math 620-reading 590- writing.
Awaiting new sat scores </p>
<p>ECS </p>
<p>leadership -
- Student Government 3 straight years (senator) , not including senior year yet
- Freshman Focus Board
- Captain of Travel Soccer Team
- Model Congress Delegate Chair</p>
<p>Other ecs -
- model congress 3 years
- student gov 4 years
- (anti bullying club) 2 years
- varsity track 3 years
- varsity winter track 1 year
- habitat for humanity 3 years
- geometry Tutor
- hospital volunteer 70+ hours
- DECA 4 years
- top ten role play in Ny DECA
- top ten overall in Ny DECA
- Commendation Model Congress Award
- 2 years of jv soccer </p>
<p>I think that's it :) I will chance back !! </p>
<p>U Florida is a good college for your achievement!</p>
<p>I would definitely contact a UF coach to try to get recruited if you can.
Your GPA will hurt you. For the sake of these stats I’m going to pull out, I’ll assume your weighted is a 3.8. </p>
<p>Students that applied with a weighted GPA between 3.7-3.99, only 25.3% (Slightly less difficult than getting into Notre Dame) of them were accepted into UF. If we were you assume your weighted GPA was a 3.3-3.69, only 6.3% of those applicants were accepted (that’s as difficult as getting into Yale).</p>
<p>Right now, your SAT score is an 1890. Applicants with an SAT score between 1600-1940 had a 37.4% acceptance rate (with GPA unknown). Applicants with an SAT score between 1950-2090 had a 74% acceptance rate (GPA unknown). </p>
<p>So I would take the lowest (GPA or SAT) chance of you getting in and expect that outcome.</p>
<p>Also, UF is extremely extremely extremely extremely competitive for out of state students. It’s one of the hardest schools to get into for in state students and has a very low admit rate (I think its around 15-17%) for out of state students. And you can be sure those out of state students are extremely competitive.</p>
<p>Your ECs look fantastic though. And URM status won’t help you in Florida since it’s not even considered at state schools. So while URM status will help you at the Ivies and other private schools, it won’t for the florida state school system.</p>
<p>Anyways, best of luck! If you have any questions just ask.</p>
<p>And I don’t know anything about the other schools on your list. Just UF.</p>
<p>@xFirefirex thank you ! Unfortunately I’m not nearly as talented enough to get recruited . Uf is definitely one of my reach schools, and your information has really helped me
<p>It’s a reach school for many people (it only has a 44% acceptance rate). I would really nail the UF essay and do your best for the rest of this semester and for the first semester of senior year.
If you can, study your butt off for the ACT and SAT. If you can raise those scores up to a 2050+, you’ll be so much more competitive. </p>
<p>UMich will be extremely difficult to get into. Worse than UF.</p>
<p>@xFirefirex thanks so much, means a lot ;)</p>