Chance at UA

<p>Chances to Arizona:</p>

<p>GPA: 2.44
2.27 Core Class GPA
SAT: 1240/1600
EC’s: Sports, baseball, football, gym, and coaching basketball for CYO 4th grade
OOS for both
Class Rank is 40 percentile, just below 50 percentile</p>

<p>GPA is going to make you sweat it out, I'm not really sure of your chances. Good Luck, you have a chance but it will be hard. Make sure you get across the point you really want to go to U OF A.</p>

<p>ur in the top 40 percent with a 2.4 gpa?
your school must be retarded</p>

<p>i have a 2.8 and increasing gpa and im like 70th percent</p>

<p>40th percentile mean I have a better gm than 40%, sop I'm 50%, a little below avg. And no, my school isnt retareded, its a school of 2000 with no gpa inflation, classes are hard here.</p>

<p>Classes are hard everywhere at any school. Same material.</p>

<p>No, test curriculum and homework play a role. We take college prep classes its generally harder to get an A or B rather than a run down school. You'd unerstand if you went to a ****ty school. That's why we have SATs, to justify that.</p>

<p>Classes are hard everywhere. You're out of state, UofA doesnt know about every high school in the A at a "run down" school is the same as at a better one. Chances are that if you have taken the required classes then thats all they care about as far as that goes. SAT's and GPA are the other part of it. Your SAT's are good but your GPA is pretty bad. I realize you think that you think you took hard classes but its still almost a C average especially in core classes which matter more. Also, a good SAT score and a bad GPA is worse than a good GPA and a bad SAT score. Having a better GPA shows that you applied your self more in 4 years rather than just knowing the stuff on the SAT, if that makes sense.</p>

<p>You have chance</p>

<p>U of A is continually getting more competitive and with that GPA your chances are very minimal and your out of state which hurts. I believe a 2.7 is an a 80 average so it looks like your core average is around the low 70s and you stated your SAT out of 2400...i think you meant to write it out of 1600. If that score was out of 2400 theres no way in hell you will get into arizona. Try Arizona State there trying to grow and accept more and there standards are a little lower. They are both Pac 10 schools and all Pac 10 schools are pretty solid.</p>

<p>Not looking to bash but arent you a junior from NY? Not sure you are the one to give me advice, I'm looking for alumns or parents who kids have gone through the system. I stated it was out of 1600, they dont look at writing, not sure where you got 2400 at. And a 2.27 GPA is a C+ average, which is probably about a 77.</p>

<p>2.27 = C+ ?? I dont know about that, you are on a different scale then what I'm on. I got in with a 3.38 out of 4.0 unweighted, as my school does not weight(unfortunatly). In my system its quite simple. A 2.0 would be straight C's a 3.0 would be straight B's, a 4.0 would be straight A' how can a 2.27 be a C+ average. Either way its very low.....especially since they will only look at your core. They put your grades into a computer which creates its own GPA just for UA according to what they count as your core your GPA might actually be lower according to UA's GPA standard.....which is the only thing that matters.</p>

<p>with that gpa of yours im pretty sure advice from anyone is good for you.</p>

<p>and a 2.27 is not a c+ i can assure you.</p>

<p>Try community college.</p>

<p>And im not trying to bash you either but yea im a junior from ny but ive been doing research on these schools since freshman year</p>

<p>Ha, community college, worse case scenerio is I go to Chico (which I may still choose over UA) since I have already been accepted from there. While for some states (East Coast) the grade scale may be ambiguous, the chart is mostly looked at as - </p>

<p>4.0 = A
3.6 = A- Honors
3.3 = B+
3.0 = B
2.6 = B-
2.3 = C+
2.0 = C and so forth....</p>

<p>For California, when I submitted my grades online it had be at C+.</p>

<p>chico state?
i heard thats an intense party school but retards go there</p>

<p>Ha, go **** yourself. chicos a good school with a party rep, and why the hell am I explaining this to you, why do we let women have pro choice, we see what the result is = E-Thug Bballin</p>

<p>are you honestly going to tell me Chico State University is a good school?</p>

<p>Fist of all, cllege is what you make of it. Chico gives you a chance to intern and proceed on with that company. ASU is a party school that is easier to get into but they are also a good school. Chico has a great teaching and bussiness program. They're also adding on such as with a state of the art rec center. The health scene is also big up there. (Ya, there are parties, but what college kids don't party sometime during their tenure) It's all good and you sound ignorant by not even refuting any of your evidence.</p>

<p>you two, who gives a <strong><em>. honestly. Im sure you can do some good things at chico state, whereever the hell that is. But it probably isnt as good as a school as ASU....which isnt a very good school. UofA is academically the best out of the 3 by far. If you want to go to ASU because of the notion that its number 1 party school because of some stupid ranking based only off of arrest numbers and such, then go ahead. You dont see any college getting ranked number 1 two years in a row do you? Because school admid toughen up on *</em></strong> like that. IU used to be 1, no they dropped out, then ASU then they are gone, now its West vrginia, which lemme tellyou, is a *** HOLE. And next year it will be different. If you can go to UofA, go to UofA.</p>