Chance CMU, WFU, U of R, Rutgers, CWRU.

<p>Hey everyone - In need of some input on my chances at U of Rochester, Rutgers, CMU, CWRU, WFU, OSU - Oregon/Ohio, the like/suggestions if any.</p>

<p>I'm currently enrolled at UNR as an incoming freshmen in a 5 yr BS/MS Biotechnology program. Not really sure on the specifics of what I want to do, but definitely under the biochem-biotech umbrella. - Been contemplating Pharmacy as well, but just wanna get some feedback on my profile.</p>

<p>Female, Asian;Chinese, -can speak Canton.
Unweighted GPA: 3.83
Weighted GPA: 4.9
Class Rank: 10/478
SAT: Math - 560, Writing - 560, Reading - 510
ACT: 25-26</p>

<p>HS Schedule </p>

<p>Alg. 1 - A
H Bio - A
H Eng - A
Concert Orches. - A
H Geometry - A
Jap. 1/2 - A</p>

<p>Alg. 2 - A
H Chem - B ---- A 2nd semes.
Orches. - A
Jap. 3/4 - A
H Soc. Studies - A
H Eng - A</p>

<p>AP Bio - A --- 2nd semes. - B
AP Chem - A --- 2nd semes. - B
AP Eng Lang - A
Science Intern (H) - A
AP US Hist. - A --- 2nd semes. - B
H Jap. 5/6 - A
H Trig. - B --- 2nd semes. H Precalc - B</p>

<p>AP Calc AB - C ----> B
AP Eng Lit - A ----> D
AP Physics B - C
AP Psych - A
AP Gov't - A ----> B
Ceramics - A</p>

<p>2 Yr. Varsity Tennis - Made All-State Academic Team
National Honor Society
VP & Sec. of Key Club - 300+ hr
Member of Honor Orchestra - 1st Chair Section Leader</p>

<p>Noted by all the cracks and dips, kind of gave up towards the end because of financial issues and just life. Didn't take applying to colleges during my senior year of hs very seriously because I did so bad in testing and calc/physics. Midyear report gave very bad impression. Waitlisted at CWRU, WFU accepted, Purdue accepted, among some rejections. But realize mistakes and ready to get back on it. </p>

<p>Much desire to transfer out of my state university because of a VERY strict father, parents divorced, combined income 53K dad + 40k mom = about 93-100k. Both casino workers. Mom will not be assisting.</p>

<p>I have some out of reach schools like U of Chicago and U of Illinois I've been thinking about, but I don't know if a couple of hardworking years at UNR will be able to compensate my HS record.</p>

<p>Please be critical of me and thanks in advance for taking the time to read!</p>