<p>Wondering what my chances are to transfer from CCC to CSULB for Computer Engineering. I'm pretty sure i meet the TAG requirements for UCSD (but doesn't mean admission for major :< )</p>
<p>Current GPAs:
UC GPA: 3.72
CSU GPA: 3.51 </p>
<p>no extracurricular
6 years work experience (2 of which as supervisor) </p>
<p>First generation American / will have minimum lower division done by transfer.</p>
<p>Thank you :D</p>
<p>Edit: throw in UCI into the mix, no tag.. just regular admission.</p>
<p>impatient bump lol :S</p>
<p>We need your SAT/ACT to chance you.
But I can tell you right now that UCSD is a definite reach due to your GPA and ECs. UCI also appears to be a reach unless you get a 2100+ 32+ to offset the kinda low GPA (and that would still in no way guarantee any chances of getting in).
Try applying to UCSC btw, that school is definitely in your range if you do good on the SAT/ACT
And CSULB is easily a match</p>
<p>This guy is transferring, which makes SAT scores meaningless. </p>
<p>That said, you should have submitted UCSD TAG, which is 3.5. 2014 is the final year it will be offered.</p>
<p>UCSD- high match
UCI- match
CSULB- low match</p>
<p>Cool, thats what I thought. Really wish CSULB wasn’t such a pain, would much rather stay in the LA area
If for some reason TAG goes through for UCSD but not my major (who knows), would transferring to a CC in LA help my odds of getting into CSULB, even If i were to take like 2 classes…
Thanks again</p>