Chance Engineering

<p>I heard that Purdue has an amazing engineering department, so I am wondering how hard it would be to get in for mechanical engineering or possibly aerospace. Either way, here is my resume tell me what you think. Also if you have any comments about Purdue's engineering program (prestigious, good, bad w/e) I would be interested to hear that. </p>

<p>General Background: New Jersey, Male, Indian. School is beginning to suck but it still retains a good reputation among colleges. (We always get a good number of students into Ivy League schools)</p>

<p>Academics: (My School Uses) Weighted GPA- 3.8/3.9 Unweighted is probably a 3.5
Rank - unsure, at least top 25%
I take the hardest classes my school has to offer including
-5 years of sciences (1 of honors chem, bio and earth science, and 2 of physics AP),
-5 years of math (Algebra II, Geometry, Pre Calc Honors, AB Calc, and AP Stat) And I have taken a precalc summer course
- 2 Years of technology courses including Transportation Technology, Tech and Design, and Robotics
-and also 4 years of history and English both AP. (the only thing I don't take honors/AP of is Spanish)</p>

<p>SAT Scores- 700 math, 670 in Reading and 680 in Writing
I haven't taken my Sat II's or AP tests yet but they will include:
Math II Sat, History Sat, English literacy SAT
AP tests will be: AP English, AP US History, AP Calc, AP Stat, AP Econ Macro/Micro, AP Physics,</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
1. Track (Sprint Varsity) - 8 years (through high school) with numerous awards. Summer of 9th Grade I qualified for Nationals (AAU) after passing the county, state, and regional level. Time commitment- Every day (including weekends not sunday) during the spring time.
2. 5 years of band playing percussion
3. Part of the Debate team (Forensics) for 4 years (Varsity). Awards won in local and national level tournaments. Currently Treasurer of the Team as well as Novice Trainer. Time commitment- 3 days a week all year not including tournaments on the weekends and during breaks. Approximately 30 tournaments attended including First Place in the National Debate Forum.
4. Model United Nations- once a week, (not very big for me)
5. Interact (community service) Approximately 100 hours + doing various community service activities
6. Summer Job at my father's hydraulic business (doing paperwork)
7. Co-founder of a magazine in school based on international events taking place (editor and writer).
8. Boys Nation/State over the summer (I haven't actually gone to it yet so I don't know how well I will do)
9. Nominated from my School to attend Governor's School of International Studies</p>

<p>I should be able to get a recommendation from some excellent physics/math teachers</p>

<p>You'll get in, guaranteed. Purdue is not Harvard. While I've heard claims that it's slightly harder to get into Purdue now, that's not saying too much.</p>

<p>I made some comments about Purdue's EE department in this thread: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>As a slight update to that, I must report that I did find an extremely nice job. However, I believe I was hired more for my personality and ability to fit in, not my academic achievements. The interviewer made mention a few times that I lacked experience in certain key areas, but that it was not an big deal. I also got the impression that some of the things I learned were "pointless" since the interviewer did not seem to care about them or cared very little. My interpretation of this is that what I actually learned at Purdue did not get me the job, but I can't say that Purdue's name was not a helpful factor (it may or may not have been, I don't know either way).</p>

<p>Obviously everyone has a different experience and with regards to the engineering program, some aspect of it that one person is not impressed by is something that someone else might be impressed by. So, I wouldn't read too much into any single review of the school but would instead read as much as possible from as many sources as possible. However, be aware that you may find some bias in online reviews as the people who disliked the school might be more vocal and want to see if others out there shared a similar negative experience (this can be seen in product reviews). Or, the people who had a good experience might be more willing to share their stories and those who did not might never want to discuss the subject ever again.</p>

<p>is it a lot harder to get into their school of engineering?</p>

<p>As a freshmen you will be going into the First-Year Engineering Program which is under the School of Engineering. There are classes that you will take your Freshmen year that decide your acceptance to specific schools in Engineering such as School of Civil Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, etc. You can find this on the website, its called your EAI(I forgot what it stood for) but it basically is the GPA to certain classes they want you to take such as MA162, CHM115 I think, etc. From your grades you probably will be accepted into the FYE Program so don’t sweat it. When you should get worried is your first year at Purdue since it decides you getting into the specific schools. It’s also nice to see a fellow New Jerseyan attending Purdue. Boiler Up!</p>

<p>you’re in.</p>