Chance for an English major transferring to UCLA

<p>Hi guys, I'm new to this site :)</p>

<p>I'm an English major hoping to transfer to UCLA/UCSD for fall 2009.
I'm not concerned with UCSD since I'm doing TAG.
UCLA is my first choice and main concern.</p>

<p>My current GPA is a 3.48
After fall grades it should be a 3.67
I am doing TAP for UCLA (will be certified in spring)
I will also be IGETC certified in spring (only one more class left)
All my major prep will be completed by the end of spring semester (only 2 more pre-reqs left)</p>

<p>I have 2 Cs on my transcript and 3 Ws (one in a non-transferable class).
Hopefully it won't hurt my chances :|</p>

<p>Do I have a semi-decent chance at UCLA or am I dreaming?
What do you guys think?</p>

<p>what are the C’s in???</p>

<p>One is in an intro to anthropology class and the other is in an architecture design class (which isn’t on the IGETC… not sure if that matters)</p>

<p>you need to be tap certified by end of winter the latest if you want ucla to consider you as tap… with tap, id say you have a 9/10 chance.</p>

<p>Actually, the deadline for TAP certification is in the spring semester.</p>

<p>Thanks for responding guys.
Beardy is right because I remember asking my honors counselor and they do TAP certification in the spring (early February)</p>

<p>This year, average GPA for transfers into UCLA/English was 3.63. It’s a toss-up, but you will probably get in with TAP.</p>

<p>got a link to that bit of info, l84ad8?</p>

<p>[UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Profile of Admitted Transfer Students by Major, Fall 2008](<a href=“]UCLA”></p>

<p>rite here</p>

<p>Your odd is 7:3 accepted without the Tap but with IGETC and with 3.48.
Your odd is 9:1 accepted with the Tap and with IGETC and with 3.67.</p>

<p>I have been there done that. UCLA alumni! :D</p>

<p>I’m your twin, IseeLA!! haha</p>

<p>English major
TAP certified by Spring.</p>

<p>This fall quarter was rough though…
Squeezing 3 Honors (TAP) classes + prereq English survey course + last IGETC class… was painful!! Never doing that again. I’m a bit worried my GPA won’t reach the 3.7 like I hoped for.</p>

<p>But every time I freak out… my counselor/classmates assure me that TAP will save my butt in the end!</p>

<p>With TAP and IGETC, you are almost guaranteed a spot at UCLA.</p>

<p>Don’t mean to jack your thread but chance me for English major for UCLA and UCSD as well!</p>

Missing one year of foreign language.</p>


<p>Hey everyone thanks for responding :slight_smile: I feel a little better…</p>

<p>pskate- Yep it looks like we have almost the same stats! My schedule in the spring looks similar to yours… I’m taking 3 honors courses and my last 2 pre-reqs for UCLA. I’m scared so scared! Hopefully we’ll be safe with a GPA around 3.6 AND TAP since the average GPA for UCLA English majors last year was a 3.63 (I did my research haha).</p>

<p>jsmz- If you still have a year or so to go at your CC I think it would look good to take at least one semester of foreign language just in case. I recently talked to a UCLA rep and they said that most English majors transferring to UCLA haven’t finished the foreign language requirement, so I don’t think that should be a major issue. If you get your GPA up to around a 3.5ish (it’s sooo close!) you should be fine. If I don’t get into UCLA, UCSD TAG will have to save me as well haha</p>

<p>p.s. I wish both of you guys the best of luck!!</p>

<p>Wow, I’m surprised that missing 1 year of foreign language and you still get IGETC. My CC required me to have 3 semester of foreign language in the IGETC requirement. Did they change the standards or something? </p>

<p>Also, I also wanna ask what is the required GPA for UCLA TAP and UCSD TAG now?</p>

<p>At my CC you only need 1 semester of foreign language for IGETC.
For TAP you need a 3.25 GPA
and for all TAGs the GPA requirement is 3.0 (last year it was 2.8)</p>

<p>The foreign language for IGETC can be cleared with my high school classes. As for an English transfer student, they require you take the foreign language at a CC. Unless someone can correct me?</p>

<p>Thanks for the responds. That means either different community college have “slightly” different requirement on IGETC or just the IGETC has changed a bit comparing to 2 years ago.</p>

<p>Fall quarter grades came out… the TAP requirement classes kicked my ass.
How did the other TAP kids do?
I’m so distraught, my chances @ UCLA just went down the toilet…</p>

<p>Yes, diff ccs have diff igetc requirements. At my cc, it’s 2 sem foreign language</p>