<p>International student (Chinese male) in US high school for 2 years. Cornell says they read apps by current high school not citizenship,hope that helps me a little bit.</p>
<p>Primary:CAS(physics) Alternative:Engineering</p>
<p>Stats: SAT:R640 M800 W770=2210 SAT II: Math2,Chem,Phy=800*3 TOEFL:101
GPA:3.7 UW 4.2W (no rank)
AP: Taken: Calc BC,Chem,Phy C=5,5,5 ;
Under construction:gov,macroecon,USH,Stat,Multivariable/Diff Eq</p>
Guitarist at a band~11,12
Engineering club~11,12
Mu Alpha Theta~11,12
National Honor Society~11,12
volunteer at library~220 hrs
guitar club~9,10
Badminton club-president~9,10
Physics team~9,10</p>
A physics project at a local university this summer. Submitted a paper to Cornell and a rec from professor.</p>
<p>Rec: No idea</p>
USAMO qualifier, USAPhO Semifinal, State mathleague 2nd place, USAMTS silver, school-level athletic stuff.</p>