Greetings. I recently came across this website and was curious about its value in the college admissions process. Therefor I ask of my chances or necessary improvements for getting into Kent State with a:
4.48 GPA on a 4.5 scale.
All AP classes when available (save for the only AP art being the second part of the portfolio class and graphic design not having an AP component)
A 2400 on the SAT and a 35 on the ACT.
Extracurricular/ Outside of school:
Leading my school’s TV production crew - involves: coordinating training schedules, implementing own custom designed animation and graphical overlay system, automation of most transitions and procedures through a scripted button interface, and the implementation of new news (ha ha) segments including the advertising and training of positions for such slots.
Being part of the Drama Officer committee (leadership and organizational position for the drama club) having both written scripts for and created props (actual made from fired clay or painted with detail ones) for previous productions as well maintained logistics for such processes.
Started a writing club and built a website for it with a pHpBB forum for reviewing and such.
Blue Ribbon in Writing for Cleveland Clinic Expressions
(There are some other older ones, but most programs I could not afford entry costs or did not know about as my information sources have been very bad. College was not even a consideration until recently - so I mostly focused on self-improvement with open-source graphic programs (Inkscape, Blender, GIMP) and programming (C#, HTML+CSS+Javascript, Python, some database languages and assorted ventures [oh wait LUA because of GMod]) as practical ways to do fun things. Game development has always been a subject of interest, writing and artistry came out of necessity but I came to enjoy them greatly as well.)
In terms of majors I was thinking of either Animation, Biochemistry or Computer Science. Biochemistry because the concept of correcting ailments with the introduction of self regulating bacteria or other organisms into the body which respond to the concentration of substances to produce reagents typically delivered via injects or other mechanical systems (insulin - diabetes) interests me. Computer science because people tell me I am good at it. Animation my parents think is a waste of potential, which is sad.
Anyway, reading about the school seems to make me think it will be a good fit and a nice way to network to get into good research projects / get funding for my own when applicable. So what would be a better way to correct my chances?