Chance for Mechanical Eng?

<p>I'm a junior in HS out of state in NJ
My unweighted gpa is around a 3.4 and weighted is 3.6
Rank is around top 35% out of 300 something kids.</p>

<p>I didn't take that many honor courses only Spanish II H Freshman year and Alg 2 H Sophmore year. Now I take EMA Honors, Chinese 2H, Physics H, and AP Stats. So I guess they could possibly spot a gradual increase in the improvement of my grades and harder classes i take? (idk)</p>

<p>Some ECs:
I've been doing Marching Band for 2 Years and did Regular Band Class for 3 years.
Freshman year I played football and track.
I kind of got lazy sophmore year haha (I tried out for golf but did not make it.. hopefully i will this year; if not i will start spring track again).
Did Chinese Club for 3 years, and I'm participating in 2 other clubs (which don't really get credit till next year since its still being tested, but i do get service hours for being part of it).</p>

<p>I'm working on my SAT I Scores ATM and from my practice tests it results from 1900s-2000s. the PSAT practice test i got a 195. I want to get a 2150-2200 on my SAT I</p>

<p>and hopefully increase my gpa as much as i could possibly can.. so what are somethings that i should do compensate for my gpa/rank? chances? </p>

<p>I'm also thinking of taking some summer programs for engineering?</p>

<p>Everything looks good! I would try and shoot for an unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher.</p>


<p>im taking a lot more honors classes this year and i calculated that if i get a’s in most of them I can finish with a 3.86 weighted gpa.</p>

<p>im not sure about how the unweighted would come out to be but i can definately guarantee it will be above 3.5</p>