<p>Hi there! I'm a junior in high school right now, and I'm starting to look at colleges. I think that I would fit in best at either Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy. I'm Looking at their computer science programs, and they both look like they have phenomenal Career development opportunities and great locations. UMD is always an option, and the cheaper one too (I'm in state) and Drexel can always be a back up.
I'm taking the SAT in March, expecting a high score. I know it sucks to ask to be chanced when I don't have a full resume, but it really would set my mind at ease to know I'm on the right track.
So here goes.</p>
<p>Overall GPA
3.6 UW/ 4.32 W.</p>
<p>PSAT score
(Hope to score higher on SAT)</p>
<p>4 years of wrestling (JV captain, Varsity letterman this year and next most likely)
8 years of Guitar
2 years of the FIRST robotics Team (great programming experience, I heard that colleges love people with experience in FIRST)</p>
<p>By the end of next year, my APs completed will have been
AP NSL (10th)
AP Bio (11th)
AP Physics (12th)
AP Lang (11th)
BC Calculus (12th)
AP World (11th)
AP Programming (12th)
AP Literature (12th)
AP Pyschology (12th)</p>
<p>Have won UMD's "Masterpiece Award" for a piece I did on their women's basketball team in 9th grade digital art.
Have won a Gifted Math Program my last year of Middle School, though I don't expect that to count for too much.
Speak French, Arabic, and English.
First generation American, came over from Lebanon</p>
<p>I'm expecting to crush the essays, as well as the SAT.</p>
<p>I know I'm not the strongest applicant, especially because my GPAs are pretty mediocre. I'm hoping to get them up and dazzle for the interviews, but as it stands, how are my chances of getting into Stevens or RPI specifically? </p>
<p>Thanks everyone for your input in advance!!</p>
<p>1st your grades are definitely ABOVE mediocre a 3.62 gpa is great. So far im a hundred percent sure you will get into Stevens and Drexel. rpi will mostly likely accept you because of your participation in FRC First Robotics. RPI also has a FRC robotics scholarship but its only available to juniors.So you would need to apply for it around the beginning of the 3rd quarter in your junior year.
well thats all i have to say good luck</p>
<p>YIKES! that’s now D:!!! Thank you sir, this was immensely helpful!</p>
<p>I would say that Steven’s your are most certainly a match; you should not have a problem getting in there. HOWEVER, Rensselaer is another story. After it was named in U.S. News & World Reports as one of “the new ivy’s”, it got very competitive, and is now highly selective to get in to (my brother got accepted the year before the article was published and says that he would not have gotten in if it was a year later). I wouldn’t say that Rensselaer is out of your reach, because it’s not. I would call it a low-reach. You have a ton of good factors playing in your favor, and as long as you keep your grades up for the rest of the year, you certainly have a good chance. By the way, going to Drexel isn’t the end of the world, either. It actually has a pretty good program for what you want to major in
Good luck!!</p>
<p>Thank you thank you! this is really helpful to hear. It doesn’t surprise me that Rensselaer is getting more competitive. I’m completely satisfied with a thumbs up from Stevens though :)</p>
<p>I think you are completely on the right track. Make sure you do well on the SAT and SAT2s, you are definitely on the right track.
Best of luck to you!</p>
<p>chance me back please!</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/brown-university/1074681-chance-me-brown.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/brown-university/1074681-chance-me-brown.html</a></p>
<p>Sounds good
Plan to get my grade up to a 3.65 at least by the end of Junior year.</p>
<p>Don’t think anything that was won in middle school will even be looked at. However, I think you will def get into the schools that your looking at. Keep it up:)</p>
<p>woohoo, starting to feel confident
Thanks everyone. Anyone else?
Also, what reach schools should I apply to that I have SOME chance of admission into?</p>