Chance for U of Iowa, Ithaca, Syracuse and Bucknell?

<p>5 years of English.
4 years H. Science.
3 Years of math, taken through calc.
3 Years of Art
3+ Years of Social Science.
I'm from Chicago.
Rank: 187/500
SAT: 670M/670CR/620Wr
ACT: 33
Good rec, good essay
GPA: 3.3
Debate Team, Art Club, Dance.
Very involved in religion and my Church.
I wrote my essay about finding religion (It's not my parents.)
I am also not applying for FA.
My senior grades have steeply risen, I had a 4.1 for first quarter.</p>

<p>Bucknell: Is my NUMBER ONE CHOICE.
Applied ED got Deferred.
Visited Campus.
I'm an Alums Kid.
Am working on getting more letters of rec from my church and writing a personal letter myself.</p>

<p>bump? Fell off the front.</p>

<p>Matches at all</p>

<p>[What</a> Are My Chances? - College Confidential](<a href=“]What”>Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Keep falling off.</p>

<p>Also, I plan on double majoring in Sociology and Economics.
Which I’ve heard are soft majors (news to me, it’s something that I’m passionate about.) Will that hurt my chances?</p>