Chance for UCs

Hello, I would very much appreciate it if you could chance me for all the UCs.

Major: Cellular/Molecular Biology
UC GPA (weighted, capped) 4.00 ACT: 34 APs: Bio (5) Comp Sci (4) US History (4)
Taking Biology and Math 2 Subject tests soon
Planning to take AB Calc, Econ, Japanese, and Stats in the spring.

  • Varsity Badminton(2 years) & Junior Varsity(2 years)
    • Along with playing, also helped organize several local tournaments and teach children how to play
  • Had a job as a summer camp counselor for an engineering/science camp for elementary school children (2 summers)
  • TA for biology teacher throughout junior year
  • Over 300 volunteer hours
    • 200 hours volunteered at a hospital (3 years)
    • 50 volunteered at a center for children with disabilities
  • Treasurer of Pathway to Literacy club
  • Member of RSI Club
    • Won a national award (9th place) for engineering/STEM competition
  • Member of Japanese Honors Society (4 years)
  • Member of Biology Olympiad (4 years)
    I understand that my stats/ECs may be a little low but it would be a great help if you could honestly say which universities may be a good fit for me. Also, if you have any suggestions of any other universities I may want to apply for please comment
    Thank you :slight_smile:

UCB - unlikely
UCD - 50/50
UCI - 50/50
UCLA unlikely
UCM - likely
UCR - likely
UCSB - 50/50
UCSC - likely
UCSD unlikely

San Diego State, CP SLO(50/50) and CSULB are all very strong schools in that area.

Just one man’t opinion, I am not sure I’d bother with the subject tests… even a perfect score won’t change my assessment above. take the Saturdays and hang out with your friends.

Good luck.

You have competitive test scores, good EC’s and a within range GPA but with the top UC’s, they should be considered Reaches. Apply widely and you should have many options in the Spring.

Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%