Chance for UM after app deadline?

<p>around 3.8-4.0 WEIGHTED GPA, excluding senior year. 13 AP classes starting in 9th with 2.</p>

<p>2000 SAT, 620cr 680m 700wr</p>

<p>Many extracurriculars.: NHS, NYLF, Lax, A lot of scientific research</p>

<p>Sister in HPM near full academic scholarship.</p>

<p>I misread that the deadline was Jan. 15th instead of the 1st, but 15th was actually the enrollment deposit for early decision applicants.</p>

<p>What are the chances of getting in If I apply by the end of this week? (January 21-23)</p>

<p>I know they process after-deadline apps on a first come first served basis, so you should get it in ASAP. I’d say based on your grades, scores, EC’s, and the fact that your sister goes there, you would normally have a good shot. Have you called them?</p>

<p>They’re pretty relaxed with deadlines if you’re a day or two late, but this would be three weeks late, so it could hurt you. I would imagine they would admit you before they would let someone with lesser stats off of the waitlist, but I can’t be sure. Unfortunately, they don’t look at the writing portion of your SAT.</p>

<p>Have you already sent in your transcripts and SAT scores and what not?</p>

<p>If you get in, it will probably be without a scholarship. </p>

<p>But I have no idea. If you had applied EA, I’d say you would probably get in, if you had applied RD, I would say you had a good shot, but applying late is a whole other thing.</p>

<p>Does your school also report your UW GPA?</p>

<p>I sent in my transcripts and SAT scores before December 20th because I had planned on applying, and sent it in incase the deadline was January 1st, which I got confused with.</p>

<p>I just really want to get in I don’t even care if I dont get a scholarship, i’ll find a way to pay, most likely with loans.</p>