Chance for UM honors college?

<p>Unweighted GPA- 3.8
SAT - 2070 ( 770M- 620CR- 680W) Prolly gonna retake
ACT- 30 (35Science- 34 Math 28Writing 22Reading <----FML) Probably gonna retake as well
SAT II- Not yet taken, but expecting 700+ in chem and math1
Rank- 2/900+
Miami Resident
Community Service- 300+ Hours, including Cancer Research
Full IB Diploma Candidate
4 AP Classes from 9-11 (AP World History, AP US Govt., AP Eng. Lit, AP Psych)
First Generation College
Including summer dual-enrollment classes, i'll finish with a total of 40.5 credits</p>

<p>Senior Workload:
AP Calc BC
IB History HL
IB Spanish SL
IB English HL
Physics Honors</p>

<p>Am i safe enough for UM Honors?
Also, would i receive any scholarships?
I wanna major in biomedical engineering/pre-med</p>

<p>everything looks good, probably looking at 24k+ scholarship, only thing is try to get up your scores. I had a 1990 on SAT’s and got in, but I had a 1400/1600 and I believe that is the minimum to get into their honors program, and I had a 32 on ACT, which I believe is not super scored at Miami. Otherwise, extracurriculars and class rank should definitely put you in.</p>

<p>There is no “set” score level for the honors college. They simply take the top 10% of admitted students. That is, those scoring in the top 10% of all those offered admittance. My daughter did not make that cut last year with her 1360. </p>

<p>She wrote them an appeal, and after they had all the figures for students who actually decided to attend Miami calculated, she made the top 10% and was admitted to the honors program. But… they do not do this automatically, you have to appeal.</p>

<p>I got a 1430/1600 + URM but I only got 20k.</p>

<p>Then again my gpa wasnt exactly high…lets just leave it at that</p>