Chance for UNC, Duke, NC State

<p>Hello everyone, alright so I would like to get some feedback on what my chances are in applying to the colleges that I have in mind.---UNC(app submitted), NC State(app submitted) -Duke/Stanford/ as reaches</p>






US History: 4
Chemistry: 5
Psych: 5
Lang: 5</p>

Varsity Football team captain for-3 years
Varsity Wrestling-2 years
Varsity Track-3 years
Vice President of school FBLA chapter(have state awards for competitions)-2 years
Member of TSA school chapter(have state awards for this as well)-4 years
Volunteer at local medical center(4 hours a week, specific volunteer program through the hospital)-2 years
Part time job at local restaurant - 2 years</p>

AP Scholar w/ Honor
National Honor Society/Beta club
National Technical Honor Society
Other state service awards for clubs
Junior Marshall
School course awards(like highest grades )</p>

<p>Essays: </p>



<p>Recs: </p>



<p>Parents income: 80-90k</p>




<p>I just want to gain some insight as to what others think my chances might be, especially CC</p>

<p>you are definitely in for unc and nc.state</p>

<p>Because you are in state I think you have a solid shot at UNC and NC state. I think Duke is a reach for you because your test scores are on their lower end and have somewhat average ECs for their applicants. Same goes for Stanford. However, if you essays and letters of rec are truly impressive, then you have a decent shot of getting in. But Stanford and Duke are still both reaches. Good luck! I hope you get in to all of them!</p>

<p>Can you chance me back? Iā€™m applying to Duke as well. <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;