Chance for UW Madison

<p>I sent my application into Madison about a month ago know and I am dying to get my decision! What do you all think:</p>

<p>White female from Minnesota.
4.0077 weighted GPA (unweighted unknown but probably around a 3.9)
26 ACT (28 English 31 Math 23 Reading 23 Science- although on a different test I received a 26 Science and 24 Reading so I sent in both tests)
Rigorous schedule- AP Lit and Comp, AP Calc, AP Biology as well as other hard but not AP classes this year and honors/AP classes freshman-junior year.
Dancer for 12 years
Dance Teacher's Assistant for 6 years (multiple choreography awards and National titles)
Key Club and two other part time jobs as well.</p>

<p>Also, my brother is a Junior at Madison this year and has a fairly high GPA.
Does being a Minnesota resident give me any "leg-up"? And when do Minnesota residents usually find out?</p>

<p>I have also been getting emails ending in “We hope to see you here next year” as well as other letters in the mail. Does this mean anything?!</p>

<p>This is just my opinion…no matter what anyone tells you, only your Admission Rep’s opinion counts.</p>

<p>Being from Minnesota and your brother’s success mean nothing in terms of an admission decision.</p>

<p>Weighted GPA isn’t a factor at Wisconsin. They only look at unweighted. Something seems off with your unweighted GPA. It would be impossible for you to have an unweighted of 3.9 and a weighted of just slightly more than that with the AP classes you’ve taken.</p>

<p>Your 26 is a little low. </p>

<p>I would guess you will get deferred with the 26. It really depends on your unweighted GPA. If it’s over 3.8, you may get in first pass. If it’s under 3.8 with a 26, you may have to wait.</p>

<p>Regardless, expect a decision (even if it’s deferred) in December. </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>My school only shows a weighted GPA on my transcript. Prior to my AP classes I have only gotten one B+ and two A- which makes my GPA very high. I have only had the option to take one AP class up to my senior year. My high school counselor says having a sibling will really help me get in since he has done so well. Why else would they ask if you have family there?</p>

<p>OK, you could be right on your unweighted. The phrase “but not AP classes this year” threw me off. I didn’t realize you meant you are currently taking several AP classes and other rigerous classes. Your unweighted GPA will help the 26 ACT. Had you posted sooner, I would have recommended you retake the ACT this fall and try to get a couple of more points to make your admission more of a certainty. Again, that’s only my opinion. </p>

<p>Maybe your counselor is right about your brother’s success. I have always been told that they are looking for legacy (parents, grandparents, etc.) that have graduated from Wisc, not current siblings. I have no hard facts on this.</p>

<p>Good luck! IF you get deferred, don’t get down. I bet with your GPA (assumnig you do well this semester) you’ll eventually get the opportunity to attend.</p>

<p>Em I think you will get in. I don’t think bring from Minn. is a factor because of reciprocity. Many of my daughters classmates got their acceptance last week and their stats were well in your ballpark, if not lower.</p>

<p>Hang in there! We are waiting too!</p>

<p>Thank you both so much for your input!</p>

<p>Disorbust, if you don’t mind me asking, are you in state or OOS?</p>

<p>We are in state.</p>

<p>They ap does ask if you have parents or sibs attending currently. If they don’t consider it, why ask? So my “guess” is it matters but not much.</p>

<p>The adcom for our school said legacy is only a slight edge.</p>

<p>Are you applying for Fin aid?</p>

<p>I heard that having legacy helps if you are on the “bubble” from a recent college visit from Madison at my school.</p>

<p>Yes I will be applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>Chance me
UW GPA: 3.96
National honor society
Brother at Wisconsin
Over 100 hours of community service</p>

<p>N1234l I just got accepted last night so I’m sure you will too! Best of luck!!!</p>

<p>To all reading chance threads. It does NOT matter if your sister/brother is at UW. They will evaluate you on YOUR merits. They will not be referencing the sibling’s application to know anything about your family you don’t mention. UW won’t know if you are at all like your successful sib.</p>

<p>em - when did you send your application in?</p>

<p>Congrats Em!!!</p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>

<p>I sent in my application 9/30 and everything was received 10/9.</p>

<p>I know this is an old thread, but I thought I would share what I found while researching whether siblings who are currently attending/alumni make your application “legacy”.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>“Legacy applications are certainly encouraged, as we realize the importance of maintaining a family’s tradition of success and accomplishment at UW–Madison. We consider legacy applicants to be those with significant alumni ties — parents, grandparents, siblings, or spouses who have graduated from or are currently attending UW–Madison.”</p>

<p>So it is not just (grand)parents whom are alumni that make your application a “legacy” application, but also siblings and spouses.</p>