I just want to know my chances at Penn!</p>
<p>SAT: 2240
SAT IIs: Math 2- 710, USH - 710, BIO- pending
GPA: 4.23</p>
<p>APUSH - 5
AP Macroeconomics- 5
AP Microeconomics- 5</p>
<p>Taking 4 APs this year:
AP Environmental Science
AP French Language
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics</p>
<p>I have taken/ am taking 4 College level classes:</p>
<p>College Accounting I- Grade: 100
College Accounting II- taking
College Composition- taking
Introduction to International Relations- Grade:A (taken at a local university)</p>
FBLA (Placed in State Competitions)
Environmental Club (Team Leader)
Law Club
Model United Nations
Varsity Spring Track
Information Desk Volunteer at Library
General Library Volunteer
Dance at Social/Cultural Events
Viking Volunteers</p>
Gifted and Talented Student (IN CANADA)
High Honor Roll (ALL YEARS IN HS)
AP Scholar
National Merit Commended Student
National French Honor Society</p>
<p>Additional Info:
I lived and studied in 3 countries
I studied in Canada in 9th grade (Had to transfer to US high school in 10th grade)
I can speak 5 languages: Hindi, English, Urdu, Kannada, French
I am female and Indian</p>
<p>Do you think I have a chance at all? I really want to go into business, and I hope my interest is conveyed enough through my courses.</p>
<p>Thanks for all your help!</p>