Chance It Up.

<p>Howdy, here is some of what Texas A&M admissions counselors will see on my application. I didn't quite get that 1300 on this Oct Sat, so if anyone wants to give me some chances feedback, I would appreciate it. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.9W 3.55UW
Class Rank: 121/597
SAT: 650M 600CR
ECs: Boy Scouts, Speech and Debate Team, Model UN, Future Business Leaders of America, other various school clubs, Tennis
Awards: Sul Ross Corps of Cadets Scholarship, Life Scout (almost Eagle), applying for AFROTC scholarship and other Corps Scholarships
Employment: Summer Internship
Community Service: 200+ hours
APs: US History (4), going to take exams in Calculus (BC), Statistics, Comp. Sci. (AB)
Dual Credit: take courses at a local university</p>

<p>Major: Computer Engineering with a General Studies backup</p>

<p>Essays: I wrote very personal essays that highlight my interest to join the Corps of Cadets, my dedication to the field of Computer Engineering, and my desire to go to Texas A&M for it's strong spirit and tradition, etc...</p>

<p>Gig'em Zach</p>

<p>Zach, if A&M has already granted you a Sul Ross Corps of Cadet Scholarship, I would think that you are in! Your stats look great. Good luck on getting the AFROTC scholarship, too! (And thanks for your answer to my post). I just talked to the Scholarship office at the Corps Center and asked if receiving a scholarship would expedite the admission decision process. The lady I talked to said that we probably won't get an answer before everyone else in review.</p>

<p>You are in. No doubt. ^.^ It is probably just going to take them longer to give you your acceptance letter.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reassurance. I am confident on getting admitted but nervous about whether I'll get into my major instead of General Studies. I guess it wouldn't matter much. I'd be happy to just be attending next year. :)</p>

<p>My decesion was mailed Dec. 9. I found out online that i was in fact admitted (I never clicked my mouse so fast as when I went to go accept it). Hopefully the letter will specify to what major. See yall at Texas A&M next year.</p>



<p>That is terrific news! You and my son will be in the Class of '13 fish class of the Corps of Cadets together next year. That makes at least 2 on this board that got in as those more elusive “Out-of-State” applicants. How’s that AFROTC Scholarship coming?</p>

<p>Thanks gxgal7! I’m taking the PFT next week…once I get that in I’ll be done. Just need to do the interview. I am cutting the deadline a little close, but I did manage to finish all the requirements for my Eagle Scout in that time.</p>

<p>Some of you corps people out there might get a kick out of this, it is me and the Parsons Mounted Calvary at the A&M v. Miami football game during the Aggie Eagle Program –> <a href=“ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs”>ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs;