<p>ut honors, columbia, penn, stan, chicago, gtown, nyu
feel free to recommend
interested in business</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 UW/5.4 W
Rank: 4 or 5/480
SAT: 2250</p>
<p>AP: Chemistry, Biology, US History, English III, World History
Senior Courseload: Government, Calculus, English IV, Statistics</p>
Science Olympiad (7-10)
Student Council (9-11)
National Honor Society (11-12) President
Varsity Band (9-12) 1st Chair All-State Band, All-Region Band
Marching Band (9-12) Officer (10), Section Leader (11), Drum Major (12)
(Competed at Grand National Championship)
City Youth Orchestra (8-10) 1st Chair, Soloist
Leadership Committee (10-12) Founding Member, Leader
AP Mentorship Program (11-12) Founding Member, Ambassador
Future Business Leaders (10-12) Founder, President
Tae Kwon Do - 2nd Dan Black Belt</p>
<p>While the test scores are a bit light, you should be good at all the schools listed except at Wharton (Univ of Penn). There, the test scores hurt you.</p>
<p>I presume you are aware that Stanford, Chicago, and Columbia have no undergraduate business schools. All three of these have excellent Economics departments (the best in the country along with Harvard, Yale, and Duke).
The others you listed have undergraduate business schools, with Texas known for Accounting, NYU known for finance, Georgetown for International Business and Penn known for everything. </p>
<p>In fact, that score might as well surpass the median at the likes of HYPMS.</p>
<p>And to the OP...</p>
<p>You have the numbers but there isn't much that catches the eyes of the adcoms when it comes to Stanford, Wharton and Columbia. In fact, there are many well qualified students like yourself who are rejected from such ivies like America is rejecting Bush...</p>
<p>I'd say...</p>
<p>Stanford: Reach
Wharton: Reach
Columbia: High Match/Low Reach
Chicago: Match
GTown: Low Match
UT: In
NYU: In/ Match (Stern)</p>
<p>something you don't see often from typical applicants.....and from a pool thats as well qualified as those from the schools you have mentioned....its really asking for alot....but then again they only do accept 10-15% of people with 9.9gpa and 2450 sat....</p>
<p>thats see..an example...</p>
<p>something like setting up a charity to raise money for the victims of katrina...(leadership + philanthropy = win win)...</p>
<p>invent the cure for aids <----- no exaggeration intended..</p>
<p>but to be honest, i wouldn't really do something just because the adcom would like it. most of the people with hooks are really dedicated to what makes them speical and that really shows. for example, if you are a national chess champion...you might as well have spent the past 15 years playing chess...</p>
<p>So instead of looking at what makes others special, ask what makes yourself stand out among others....this can be anything.....you shouldn't worry how the adcoms will view of it but rather look at how highly do you hold regard of this particular talent/interest.....</p>
<p>and its funny but in some cases the less you try to impress an adcom, the more impressed the person might be by your resume...</p>
<p>Being Korean doesn't really help you, cause they're are alot of koreans applying to these schools. You have an Ok chance, it would be better if you had some varsity sports. You'll find it hard to get in.</p>
i'm unsure what business schools look at on your ECs.
<p>In addition to the typical leadership, bla bla bla, anything unusual and unique is good. Nationally ranked in something. Being good at something really obscure. Things like that.</p>
<p>I'd also suggest looking at MIT (Sloan), Carnegie Mellon (Tepper), USC (Marshall).</p>