Chance me 2017?

Could anyone please chance me? I’m currently out of state and Asian.

I go to a very competitive high school

UW GPA: 3.52
AP’s: 6-7

(I’m retaking both)
ACT: 29
SAT: 1340

Water polo - 5 yrs
Tennis - 2 yrs, varsity 1 yr.
Swim team - 1 yr
NHS - 2 yrs
Action club (volunteering club) - 2 yrs
Violin lessons - 5 yrs

I work at a store if that helps me at all.

“Very competitive HS”- there are good high schools all over Wisconsin. If your HS offers a lot you are expected to take advantage of that. I state this because so many students feel they should be allowed lower grades because their HS is so great. Wrong- you had opportunity, you should be taking the most rigorous schedule and doing well.

Being Asian only helps if you are among the ethnic groups underrepresented- Hmong or Vietnamese for example.

Improving grades can help- if your junior year gpa is a higher than your overall gpa. This would show maturity and settling down to learn the material.

All you can do is apply and see what happens. Remember to do your best on the essays.

I understand, I’m also probably not an underrepresented ethnicity.

I am taking a pretty rigorous schedule currently compared to other seniors, 4 aps plus orchestra where I’m currently in the top orchestra that we had to audition to get in.

Do you think my GPA might be a little low for UW Madison? that’s what I am most worried about.


Could be. Most UW-Madison students will have taken the more rigorous schedule and gotten good grades. Orchestra members often participate in solo and ensemble events, sometimes qualifying for the state event. Our school was lucky to have an excellent orchestra teacher and they did well, even though there were no tryouts for the only class. btw- UW has an Orchestra/class for nonmajors if you get in and want to continue. Found this out when son moved in as a freshman- he chose not to join.

Your resume is like thousands of other students. You’d be surprised at how good so many applicants from so many ordinary HS’s are.