Chance Me 2024 RD GW

GPA: 4.48 Weighted
SAT: Did not submit
APs: 7 total plus over 10 honors classes
ECs: 3 Clubs (freshman-senior year), NHS, Latin Honor Society, Tutoring, Girls in Technology Program (Junior Year), NIH volunteer for 2 summers (over 100 hours), 350 community service hours (State Award Received),
ESSAY TOPIC: Wrote about a patient I worked with while at the NIH and how that impacted me
EXTRA INFO: I have been taking Latin since Freshman year, and I know schools like when students pursue a language throughout all of hs.

I know that GW is focusing on STEM programs now, so hopefully that boosts my chances. I am also a girl. What do you think my chances are? Thanks!

You are good to go. The no SAT is the only thing that is a little worrisome

@sunshuttle Actually, with test-optional, GW evaluates those who don’t submit test scores without penalizing them. So it’s mostly just a boost to send in a good one, not worrisome to not send in any.

To OP: Yes, GW is moving attention to STEM, but not for the incoming class of 2024. They don’t plan on changing enrollment strategies until next year. Your essay might be worrisome, as it’s a bit cookie cutter of a topic.

@izrk02 yes I do realize the essay topic seems a bit cookie cutter, but I worked on it with my counselor to make it very personal. I also completed the optional supplemental and applied to the honors program, which means I also completed their supplementals. So they have 3 Supplementals from me plus my essay.

@izrk Would this also apply to them decreasing their student body by 20% over the next five years starting this year as well, because thats how I interpreted that?