<p>Hey hey hey!
I'm of the female verity. I'm a 9th grader applying to five of the top schools. (Andover, Exeter, Choate, Deerfield, Hotchkiss)
So... CHANCE ME!! Ya!</p>
Algebra II A
Physics A
Spanish II A+
Middle Eastern History A+
English A</p>
I am on the president's list of the honor roll.
I have been the top student of my class for the past 4 years.
I received a gold medal on the NSE for the past two years.
I was recommended by my teachers to go to a leadership conference.
Did really well on SAT as 7th grader.</p>
Varsity cross country and track runner for the past 4 years.
Top debater on the debate team.
Head editor of the newspaper.
On the basketball team.
Vice president of NJHS.
Been a part of a chorus for the past 5 years.</p>
Math: 95%
Reading: 83%
Verbal: 85%</p>
They were pretty much amazing. Oh yes!</p>
I didn't see them (wish I did, though) but all my teachers love me.</p>
<p>If you want me to chance you back put a link to your thread in your response.</p>
<p>Sorry. I’m a bad speller. I meant variety. Thank goodness for spell check!</p>
<p>From Andover, “The incoming class of 150 girls and 165 boys represents a median class rank in the top 1 percent and a median SSAT total score of 94 percent. Students will arrive on the Andover campus in September from 33 states and 25 foreign countries” - 2010 Aug. First, you can check your qualification compared with the 2010 student profile. Then, your other parts as well are important. From the informations, interview is not critical but your essay will be as important as scores. AO of Andover says they’re looking for a student who’s strength is kindness. If they see your kindness from your application package, you could have good chance to Andover at least. Good luck!</p>
<p>BTW, what is your overall SSAT score?</p>
<p>Have you ever been to any summer schools (andover or exeter)?
What about your essay? What do others say about it?
your grades are really good though
good luck</p>
<p>U have a great personality, and ur grades r good.
Your chances r high in getting in. Is there a hook that u have>?</p>
<p>I spent literally all of my Christmas break working on my essays. Needless to say, they are pretty much amazing! As far as a “hook” I’m not exactly sure… Hopefully they will think I am a well rounded individual. (which I am! Duhh…) I just going to continually pray until March 10 and follow some advice from my dear friend Dave Matthews (I wish) which is is Don’t lose the dreams inside your head, they’ll only be there til you’re dead, dream. I love me some Dave!! THANKS FROM THE RESPONSES!!! Keep ‘em comin’!</p>
<p>What was your first choice? And What Grade are you applying to? W</p>
<p>@whip, I’m impressed that your HS offered Middle Eastern History. It looks like you had a lot of courses to choose from.</p>