<p>chance me for
university of rochester
case western reserve university
university of the pacific
florida institute of technology
or any other good places you think i could have a hope of getting into</p>
<p>i want to go to a private school because they give more money and i dont care where in the country the school is</p>
<p>here are my stats
Im a junior at a nondescript public high school in Arizona
Im a white male
I got a 183 on the PSAT
28 on the ACT(im taking this again and hope to get a 30+)
<p>im going to take the math subject tests and hoping to do well in them since im really good at math
Im looking at majoring in either math or engineering</p>
<p>By the time I graduate, I will have
About a 3.85 wieghted gpa
Taken 5APs and 3 honors courses
Completed calculus 3 at the local university
Captain of the tennis team 3yrs
NHS 2 yrs
2nd place in the regional chess tournament 4 times in a row(hopefully I can win at least once)</p>
<p>I think that you have a good shot at most all of the colleges you listed, but I am not fimilar with FIT and UITP. You probably want to work on your extracurrics and get an SAT score. University of Rochester is the only college that I saw that may present a problem for you, though.</p>
<p>You probably also want to consider:</p>
Kettering U
RPI if you get your SAT to 1300
<p>Also, chance me at Small-Town Junior looking for advice and chances on big-name schools.
(sorry that I don’t have the link)</p>
<p>university of rochester - In
case western reserve university -In
university of the pacific -In
syracuse- In
^^^^ since you live in a state where not a lot of applicants apply to these schools, your chances are good…</p>
<p>Florida tech- you have good chances, but since it is a state school, its harder for out of state applicants, but you should get in…</p>
<p>I had a 183 my junior year on my psats too…If you can improve your act score to 31, 32 range, I’d suggest looking at Vanderbilt, Emory, Boston College, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins…good luck…</p>
<p>I cant common on most of those schools, since Im not familiar.
But youre almost definitely in for Syracuse. My friend goes there and he didnt have as good as stats as you have.</p>
<p>Thanks for chancing me!
So i think that you have a great chance at all of those schools…</p>
<p>university of rochester~ match/ slight reach (if you get in the 30s for ACT you will be fine)
case western reserve university~ Not sure, just cause i dont know about it
university of the pacific~ match (even if you ACT scores dont improve)
syracuse~ match/ slight reach
florida institute of technology~in </p>
<p>I would suggest that you also look into BU, University of Washington, and University of Virginia</p>
<p>I’m sorry, I have not heard of any of these except for University of Rochester and Syracuse University, probably because I am from New York. I would put you for a definite shoein for Syracuse and a solid maybe for University of Rochester.</p>
<p>university of rochester - high match
case western reserve university - definite match
university of the pacific - match
syracuse - match
florida institute of technology - match/safety</p>
<p>You’ve got a list of very attainable schools there. Rochester will be a match if you up your SAT/ACT. You should throw in at least one reach. Good luck!</p>
<p>well most of you are saying i have a pretty good shot at these, what should be my some of my reach schools, Id really like to go to USC but i dont think im that kind of material</p>