Chance me as an international student at top BS

Hello everyone,

I am an international student living in Dubai (attending a top british private school), however originally from Slovenia and Ethiopia.
Here is the list of schools:

St Pauls

(not the final list, should I apply to some more safties?)

SSAT- not taken yet.

Grades: previously not the best (80-100), but hoping for a improvement on my current grades.
In my school, students are placed into sets, based on their ability, and I am in the top set for all subjects, therefore taking the hardest classes/tests.

A little FA needed.

Swimming: 3 years recreational, 1 year competitive, trains 6 hours per week, one second place award, in league meet.

Athletics: 5 years competitive, 3 hours per week, has won 19 medals and awards.

Theater: was casted as the lead role in School production this year+ side role last year

Singing: Recreational, preforms at multiple events, like wedding, birthday parties, etc.

1st place award in singing competition.

Guitar: 1 year, recreational

School ecs:

Multiple leadership roles over 3 years, such as Sports captian, Class President, etc.

+vollenteering 4 weeks during summer

Best student of the year award, for spanish

One debate comp, second place.

Interviews: I had three so far, two of them were amazing, one not.

Do I have less of a chance as an international student?

What grade/year are you in now and what grade are you applying for?

I am currently in grade 8, applying for grade 9

I think it’s hard to give you advice without knowing your grades or class rank. What will your teacher recommendations say?

Your list of schools are all those who really desire strong academic students who can ask for the help they need.

If you really want an American boarding school experience, expand your list to less selective schools. But you may have good alternatives where you are.

You’re certainly an energetic participant in the community, boarding schools appreciate that greatly.

I think all your schools have low acceptance rates. I would add some where you can be much more confident of being admitted.


I’d say with grades that “are not the best” your chances are low at those schools. If BS in the USA is very important you need to look at schools with less competitive admissions. Unless you have a compelling quality you did not list - you seem to have a lot of hobbies which is great - do you have a highly sought after skill that will make a school look good?

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I think you sound like an interesting student who has a unique perspective to offer a school community!
I’m curious to hear more about what you are looking for in a school? What about these schools has you putting them on your list?
You ask if you should apply to “more safeties.”
You currently are applying to zero safeties.
In fact, all but one of these schools are reaches for even the very best students.

I say that not to discourage you, but to encourage you on this journey: there are amazing schools out there that would love to have you and would give you what you are looking for too. If you tell us what you are looking for in a school, we might be able to help you beef up your list with some fantastic options!
How important is it to you to go to boarding school? Knowing the answer to that will also shape how “risky” your list can be. :).
But here is the great secret about boarding schools: there are MANY truly special and amazing places that aren’t the household names to the outside world. But they ARE known and talked about here. So let us know if you want some ideas!


Hello again everyone,

Thanks for all your replies.

As per what I am looking for,

I am looking for a school with a great preforming arts program, as well as molecular genetics and pre med courses as well if possible.

Not too small of a school either.

It would be lovely to see a variety of sports offered.

Other than that my selection is pretty wide.

Will you please recommend me some saftes based on the information I just offered?

As per my grades, again my schools system of grading is quite complicated, so I am not sure how I will report them yet, however, again the percentages vary from 80-100.

Thanks again everyone.

I would say my singing, and performing, as well as my leadership skills, as I am very involved in my current school.

I am not sure if that is something unique however.

Do you need financial aid?

There aren’t “premed” courses in high school (and very doubtful molecular genetics either, though I’m no STEM expert). There are rigorous science classes, however.

Virtually every boarding school offers a variety of sports as well, certainly all those on your original list. Is there one sport in particular you want?

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I am going to apply for FA, however I only need a small amount, and am not sure if I will qualify anyway.

I did see some molecular genetics courses on some of my current school selection websites.

Yes I am fond of playing in volleyball as well as track and field, at boarding school.
I am open into trying new sports too.

Based on all your advice, I am currently looking at schools with higher acceptance rates, and dropping some selective ones of my current list.

Do you have any suggestions?

A few private schools with the STAN-X program, like Exeter, Lawrenceville, and Hotchkiss have molecular genetics classes. It’s been one of my favorite academic experiences here, for sure. That said, from the general information I’ve heard, they’re super selective and limited at all schools due to equipment constraints.


I don’t know many boarding schools because my kids started as day students at a couple of different schools. Consider looking into Berkshire, Millbrook, The George School, Mercersburg. I am sure others will chime in with more suggestions. Have you considered single-sex schools?

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Look into Berkshire. The school is a very typical boarding school experience with athletics, arts, etc that you are looking for. It’s slightly less selective than some of your schools, but still not a safety. They are doing some very interesting science research and have an electron microscope (and ultramicrotome to go with it for making samples) students in the Advanced Math and Science Research classes can use. The students have been doing a years-long study into concussions and brain injuries using insect brains. What is really neat is that, as students graduate and new students come in, they continue the previous research and get to utilize data and findings from prior student research to keep going deeper.

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