Chance Me: Asian (Indian) Male from Pennsylvania - Top 3%, 4.0/1520, with hopes in Business

Sure, but some of the schools on your list are D3.

If even one of your parents went to college, regardless of a country, you are not a first generation student.


Are you SURE about that? I thought the issue of which country a parent might have gone to a 4-year college varied with each US college in order to be considered “first generation.” For example, here’s UCLA’s definition of “first generation”:

A “first-generation college student” is defined as a student whose parent/guardian has not received a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree. (emphasis added)

UCLA - First generation

If I am wrong, my apologies.


Cornell’s hotel program is for students who are interested in some aspect of the hospitality industry- real estate development, operations, financing hotel or theme parks, etc. It is not a good back door for someone interested in one or two courses taught there (i.e. corporate finance) but who can’t demonstrate some interest in the rest of the industry. Can’t see it as a fit from what you’ve posted but I’m happy to have you convince me otherwise. There are lots of places which teach corporate finance!

The EC’s which don’t seem to help your case- volunteering at the library (nice thing to do, but are you really committed to it?), engineering club (you’re president, but what does that mean?).

Good luck!!!


UCLA is the only one I only of that defines it that way. Maybe a few others do as well. But the vast majority don’t - so OP shouldn’t count on it.


I agree, but the point is that all applicants need to understand the specifics of the schools to which they are applying. They need to do the research on their own.

Perhaps UCLA is in the minority, but it is the most applied to school in the US.


Babson, NYU, and CMU are all competitive DIII. You might want to look into it a bit. If you want to play and getting recruited is possible it would be a strong hook.


Yeah I mean maybe I can try for that. If I get in though, I could def try to be a walk on. But I get what you mean for the recruited.

Ah I see what you’re saying. Yes I agree with you then. I know being business oriented though is in service. But there can be alternatives. For my ECs, I wasn’t really planning on including engineering as it obviously isn’t in my major. I have it for the stem background which I’d like to pursue through business but I don’t plan on putting it on my common app. The library however is my service that I’ve been consistently doing for 3 years now, every Friday almost, so the hours and my interest of the library accrue to a high amount. And I think that it may be seen for good community service.

Yes that is true, I guess I could reconsider playing college ball.

Your ECs needn’t be related to the field you are applying for.

Choose the best, most impactful, that can be quantified. If you are president, what did you do ? How many members did you recruit.

If they’re soft ECs, don’t include as yiu only have ten spots.

If they’re strong but engineering related, include.

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While it may be a hook, I think either you want to play or you don’t.

You’re not going to have an admissions issue - and again, you are a safety at IU Kelley.

If you find out it’s a higher choice for you than other schools on your list, you can eliminate the others.

I gave you the link before but you are auto entry into IU Kelley. But that only matters if it’s truly a place you want to be.

But if you know you want to be there more than - say name other schools on your list - at least you can cut those.

I agree with @blossom on Cornell - why I asked in my first post - you don’t use as a backdoor but if the hotel school really has a major you want, that’s different. But does it truly?

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Both UNC and UVA are hard OOS admits, but last year, the UVA app only included a few short answer type questions so the app was not time consuming app for my daughter to complete compared to others. UNC’s app required multiple supp essays and took much more time

And as noted above, you have to apply to the business schools at both UNC and UVA in your soph year. With UNC though, you apply first semester of soph year and if you get rejected, you are allowed to apply a second time. At UVA, you can only apply once.

My last question–are you sure you want to apply to UCB since this will require a whole separate application, not the common app, and the UC app is a beast to complete? College app fatigue/burn out is real so you may want to take a look at the required supp essays in advance at the schools currently on your list. This could help in determining your final list.
Wishing you all the best!


I totally agree with the sentiment that UT is a reach. My child had a 1550 SAT, 3.9UW/4.65W GPA, varsity athletics, etc. and was rejected by UT McCombs but admitted to UMich Ross.

Like someone else mentioned, I would suggest considering Wisco as a possible target school. It has a very solid undergraduate business school.


Sounds good, and congrats to him/her for getting in to Ross!

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Pa resident here. Apply to Pitt and PSU early. As soon as the portal opens. You’ll hear from Pitt in a few weeks. No need for IUP or LIU. Pitt business is direct admit and much smaller than Smeal. You might like it better.

UNC and UVA are holistic admits. No guarantee you’ll be admitted to business even with a high GPA.

The rest are reaches but I would suspect an admit to at least one or two. Look at Fordham Gabelli for a match school. Villanova or BC too?


Reaches except for IU - which is an auto admit based on stats and is a safety (in theory, safer than Pitt and PSU -but of course those are both safe).

Direct from the IU website (still befuddles me that they don’t strengthen their requirements but their class is very large and that might be why - as opposed to Pitt that you mentioned which isn’t and that may be a factor to any student):

How to Become a Kelley

Have you:

  • Completed your application to IU Bloomington and indicated a Kelley major by November 1?
  • and have you earned a 30 ACT or 1370 SAT or higher?
  • and do you have a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher?

Congratulations! You can expect your offer of direct admission into the Kelley School of Business in your IU Bloomington Admissions packet.


Wow - congratulations on amazing accomplishments in HS. I am pretty new to this site - and think “chance me” is so hard, since different high schools have different admission patterns - but I think you have a nice list. I read an article about Penn that said if one parent didn’t graduate from a US school, the student is considered first-generation (and their website, while not admission-specific seems to support that). Another reach school to consider may be Emory - which has a great undergrad business program - although ED would likely be the best course if you decide you definitely want to attend. As far as listing ECs - what my kids were taught was to put them in a logical order that started with the strongest components that supported the major you were applying for, rather than a hodge-podge - but that’s just what we were told.

Personally I think first gen has no place in where to apply. Maybe it will help at some. Maybe it won’t.

But PSU is a given as is highly ranked IU.

So OP will not be devoid of fantastic options.

The list should be based on desire, not where first gen may or may not help.

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Is there a reason OP you want to apply to Gatech instead of Emory for Business? Thats not something GaT is particularly known for. Also Georgetown should be on your list.