Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

I wondered this as well.

Yes, QB staff do a full financial review of each applicant. I think itā€™s unlikely OP would qualify, but they can contact QB to ask questions to be sure.

Financial criteria/info reviewed here:

QuestBridge | National College Match: Who Should Apply.


Iā€™m going to ask one more time. Did your sibling who will be a college senior ever complete the financial aid application forms? Ask!

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We know that. The question isā€¦

@An_D, did your sibling get accepted via Questbridge? Iā€™m guessing s/he was accepted with a scholarship at your in-state public school independent of QB.


I dont understand what you mean by financial certification? I have never heard of such a thing. Beyond what financial criteria QB will look at when assessing if oneā€™s QB app can go forward I donā€™t know of any other process.

Upstream someone posted that the financial aid application forms needed to be filed annually for Questbridge even though the scholarship would not be changed.

Anywayā€¦the OP needs to do some clarifying here. Itā€™s getting a bit confusing.

It sounds as if there has been a drastic upward shift in income. So if Questbridge application is filed on the basis of FAFSA , which shows income from 2 years ago, OPā€™s sibling might qualify. Question whether they have a duty to disclose current change in circumstances, and whether to maintain Questbridge qualification you have to resubmit financials every year, or not. For both OP and his sibling there is a risk of qualifying for more need based aid now based off of old FAFSAs and then receiving less (or no?) financial aid when they are sophomores or juniorā€™s because of new, higher income.

Students will have to satisfy the financial aid form requirements at the school they ultimately attend. Once they apply thru QB, going forward once they choose a college to attend they donā€™t have to deal with QB for FA.

The OP needs to clarify income. They claim that income is $150,000, and that will be supporting two kids in collegeā€¦and the medical school kid will have graduated undergrad.

I donā€™t think this kid is eligible for Questbridge. Really, the closer to a $0 EFC soon to be SAI you are, the better. A $150,000 income is not going to get a $0 EFC/SAI. Itā€™s just not.

I still donā€™t understand why these two rising high school seniors arenā€™t looking at the high merit school their rising college senior sibling is attendingā€¦if family finances are a consideration.


Iā€™m wondering how much ā€œin the loopā€ the parents and older sibling are, on OPā€™s plans - vs OP trying to plan things out himself. Perhaps hoping to get in to a prestigious college on his own.

@An_D, please provide the clarifications that are being sought here (so we can better help you). And if youā€™re not discussing all this with your parents and older sibling, I think youā€™ll benefit from doing so.


Sorry, can you please explain what this means. Thank you.

My college senior sibling did QB and did fill out the FAFSA. I do not know what the results showed though. My same grade sibling is applying to many of the same schools as me. We are both using this thread to gain information and make informed decisions.

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But did s/he get matched through QB or is s/he attending an in-state school that s/he applied to independently of QB, and received a full ride scholarship there?
Would you mind naming the school?

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Meaning - if you were QB eligible four years ago, Iā€™d assume but donā€™t know that youā€™d have need.

Four years of better or more success does not necessarily equal flush with cash or solvent to be able to afford college. But it could.

You wonā€™t know - until the schools tell you.

But I highly recommend you be good to your family and not to put pressure on them to strangle themselves with loans - as youā€™ll find very solid options within budget. If that budget can be expanded due to need aid, then all the better.

Good luck.

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Thank you for the great advice.

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All this is accurate.

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This is the case with my college sibling.

They did.

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This is correct. Sibling did not get accepted into any of the QB schools on their list.

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