Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

Yes. You can apply ED to a school and unrestricted EA to other schools.


Wherever you go for college, itā€™s really all about taking advantage of the opportunities that are put in your path; and for large public universities, being in an honors college or program can be very enriching.

I suggest that you apply to Auburn or Alabama or UAH as early as you can, if for no other reason than to get an acceptance under your belt; then see where else you get in, compare the financial numbers and potential academic opportunities, and take it from there.


Can I apply unrestricted EA to multiple schools and Cornell ED1 and WashU ED2?

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Also do I have a good chance with the 2 EDs that I am applying to?

Yes you can apply EA to multiple schools as long as their EA is not restricted. And you can do ED2 if you get rejected or deferred by your ED1 school.


Why not consider CMU scs for ed2?
If you pull up your sat all these will be more plausible. Also try your luck at the act

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UC GPA is only one piece of the UC Comprehensive admission review but a Very Important Factor. The Capped weighted UC GPA is the most cited GPA for the UCā€™s and determines admission eligibility. The difference between the Unweighted and Fully weighted emphasizes HS course rigor for 10-11th grades. Below are the 13 Factors the UCā€™s use in their admission review and each campus may weight these factors differently so admission results can be Unpredictable.

Below is the admit rate based on the Capped weighted UC GPA and not major specific so CS/Business will have lower admit rates:

2022 Admit rates based on the Capped weighted UC GPA.

Campus 4.00+ 3.70-3.99 3.30-3.69 3.00-3.29
Berkeley 17% 3% 1% 0%
Davis 58% 20% 5% 2%
Irvine 35% 10% 3% 0%
Los Angeles 13% 2% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 97% 95% 85%
Riverside 95% 83% 42% 17%
San Diego 37% 8% 1% 0%
Santa Barbara 41% 8% 3% 0%
Santa Cruz 69% 45% 16% 4%

UC admit rates based on Residency: 2022 Freshman admit rates

Berkeley 14.5% 8.6% 5.5%
Davis 32.3% 59.8% 43%
Irvine 18.2% 36.6% 21%
Los Angeles 9.2% 8.9% 5.8%
Merced 100% 78.6% 81.7%
Riverside 66% 88.1% 68.%
San Diego 23.8% 31.5% 15.5%
Santa Barbara 26.7% 28.8% 19.7%
Santa Cruz 43.2% 70.7% 55.4%

Bottom line is that you are a competitive applicant. UCā€™s are test blind, race blind and need blind. Need blind is important since they do not take into consideration your ability to pay or not pay in their admission decisions and being OOS assumes you will be full pay anyways.

Best of luck.


You have Auburn on your list so you shouldnā€™t be against going or it shouldnā€™t be on your list.

Hereā€™s the deal with prestige. Look at Bama. The most national merit scholars in the country. Why ? They buy them in. 58% OOS. More than 1k kids from Georgia, Texas, California, Illinois, Tennessee, and Texas. Imagine how many coming from far - Texas, CA, Illinois. Yes itā€™s easy to get into but they bring in kids that get into top schools. My son got into Purdue with merit for example. As I noted he interned with Ga Tech. Heā€™s working now with Michigan, Purdue , etc. this is the same everywhere. Rank sells magazines. And gets into kidā€™s heads but is it always real world impacting ? No.

So if you go to a Bama or Auburn or Miss State or South Carolina or Miami Ohio or SUNY Bing or Arizona whatever the school that comes in at a great cost - your hard work did pay off. Thatā€™s why itā€™s affordable. For most, they cost a lot more.

What you donā€™t want to do is put yourself of your family into a level of financial harm that will stick with you for years.

Youā€™ve been hoodwinked by prestige.

Itā€™s great if you can afford.

Can you get into Cornell or WUSTL ? Perhaps but what if you have to take significant loans and are out $7 or $800 a month for 10 years vs the kid from Auburn who owes nothing and may have a similar earning.

Thatā€™s why understanding your finances is so critical. If you have need and they are inexpensive then great. If they will strangle you financially then heck no - it wouldnā€™t be smart.

The top kids are the top kids and in that major, youā€™ll be surrounded by them wherever you go.

So try to push ā€˜prestigeā€™ to the side.

Once you have a real range, we could suggest other schools but frankly Iā€™m not sure they will provide significantly better outcomes than your in states. Theyā€™ll just be on a later page in a magazine.


??? OP listed their ACT scores and no SAT scores.

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The one applying to medical school will not effect your FA, so itā€™s just two of you. My kids all attended/attend public universities (except the one in grad school, but educational costs after undergrad donā€™t count towards FA), and with 2 or 3 in college, we got nothing, even when household income was $150,000.


I did not know that CMU has an ED. Also I might be mistaken but are you asking me to take the sat?

But if they get in - no assurance - will still have a tuition bill.

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Probably need to put the ED1/ED2/EA on hold until you figure out the finances. Itā€™s possible your whole college list will change.


It does. But since youā€™re looking to do CS + business rather than straight up CS, Iā€™m not sure CMU is a great choice.

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Why? Doesnt CMU have one of the best undergraduate business programs in the country?

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It does, but Iā€™m not sure doing a double major at CMU is the best option. And Iā€™m not aware of them offering a combined major for CS and business like some other schools do.


well done to you. I am positive youā€™ve worked hard!

thereā€™s thousands of kids who have worked so hard too; but arent going to elite schools for several reasons - one top reason is because of the costs.

no shame at all going to a lower ranked schools. there are smart kids everywhere! It is what you DO in college thatā€™s so important! lots of good schools mentioned here - have fun looking


Would you have put in less work if you were told Auburn was your only option back when you were in 9th grade? Did you not enjoy learning? I see kids and parents say that all the time so it must be that every kid is putting in so much work. (I have one that did, one that did but only for the things she enjoyed (not math).

You ask people to chance you. They are being honest that your chances at Auburn are very good. Your chances for admissions to the others are not very high, and your chances for a big financial aid package is not good at all at the public schools (Wash, Mich, GT, UNC) and may be better at the privates that meet need (MIT, Stanford, Princeton) IF you family income is low (IMO $150k is not low income, but you may have special circumstances).

Honestly, if that is your list my opinion is that you will be going to Auburn. If you donā€™t want that, listen to the recommendations of the posters above. What will you do if you get into Cornell or WashU but donā€™t get enough FA?


A few words about schools that meet full need: do not assume that one type of school will give better FA than another (private v public). It really depends on the school and the unique situation of each family. Use the NPC (might not work if parents have their own business) and communicate with the FA office.

Medical school could impact financial aid (to schools that meet need), depending on how the school looks at grad school, med school etc. Some schools take it into consideration, while others do not. You need to ask and get the details.

Another note: there is often a lot of pressure for the valedictorian to go to a ā€œprestigiousā€ school. Keep in mind that the qualities that led to success in HS will follow you to college, regardless of ranking. Opportunities are everywhere, smart kids are everywhere. Apply wherever you want, but make sure there are also affordable option on the list.

Right now you have too many reaches, both academic and possibly financial (your parents have not given you a number). I would add schools that would give you merit. For example, SUNY Binghamton would likely give you merit because they are trying to increase OOS presence. I am not suggesting you apply, but I am suggesting that you modify your list so that you have choices.