Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

Superscore: CMU, WashU, UNC, Purdue

Score of 30: GT, Umich, Auburn, MIT

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Auburn told me that they don’t have my score of 33 and that I will have to send the new superscore. Apparently you need to resend it.

They say not if you apply TO l. But say and do, who knows. I’d hope they are honest to their word. I’d assume so.

If you take again, don’t send. Free May or may not be with penalty. Better to see, than send. But that ship has sailed.

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Email your admission rep at all 3 Alabama universities to know whether they accept your test scores if they’re on your transcript. (Check with your GC that scores can be included in your transcript if you don’t know for sure). You want to make sure your safeties are sorted first.


If I added Northeastern to my list would it be a target or a reach?

ED target most likely. Anything else reach.

You potentially could get I’m not ED but get offered an alternative campus to Boston.

Given we all know you have budget issues, I just don’t understand your logic as to changes you continue to make. Frankly, makes little sense.


Northeastern’s acceptance rate is below 20%. In my book that makes it a reach.

If you are interested in Northeastern, which has a mandatory co-op, take a look at U of Cincinnati for a more likely admit.


I honestly don’t see a reason to add it to your list. They are very yield conscious so you will be unlikely to be admitted EA or RD to the Boston campus. And why apply ED given your uncertain finances, and especially when you have so many better choices? Why NEU?


Sending your scores free – meaning you sent them before you actually knew your score – does NOT mean you have sent your superscore.
It just means you sent that one score from that one sitting.

Please be sure you’re sending/have sent the right scores to the right schools.
And remember, Bama doesn’t accept superscores, so send your best composite there.


It has not supplements so I though why not just put it into the list.

That’s not a very good reason to apply. Without supplements, and unless you apply ED, you’re unlikely to be able to demonstrate sufficient interest in the school, which cares a great deal about yield.


That is exactly what they want - students like you to put in an app, so they can defer/reject/waitlist you because you didn’t apply ED. That’s how they keep their acceptance rate super low (along with heavy marketing). Don’t take the bait - if you genuinely see something about NEU that you like that you won’t get elsewhere, then fine. Otherwise it’s a waste.


That is not a reason to apply to a school.


And ED in general does not seem like the best plan with uncertain finances.

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I understand, thank you.

At this point you need to apply and see how things pan out.

You will show your parents the final costs and they will give you their answer.

There are 22 schools on your list. It is time to start working on your essays, or at least time to begin thinking about them and jotting down ideas.

My daughter applied to 15 schools and she spent all of July and August working on essays, probably 5 hours a day and she is an excellent writer. Some of her schools required 4-5. Once school begins you won’t have as much time.

I am sorry about all of this stress. I would remove Wisconsin unless your parents can pay full cost without loans and without impacting their retirement. I do not believe there is merit.

I would not add Northeastern.


Why not add 50 more ? I can give you without essays.

You need to learn about these schools. Are they right fit you potentially or not ?

And this is where your common app limit will help you. Choose to apply NEU, then one comes off !!

It’s a different model. Co op.

Btw great school. Improving rank and it’s just my opinion so I hope those out there don’t hate but I don’t see it perceived as a great name. I just don’t. Not by the world. Just by prospective students and their big name seeking parents who read US News.

It’s just another name you read that’s got a low acceptance rate so you see value. But you can’t afford. Someone mentioned Cincinnati. It’s similar and you might be able to afford.

You are setting yourself up to go to an in state public and then you’ll say - I put in all that work in school and in the apps - I deserve better.

But here’s the thing. You didn’t plan for better !!! You continue to move in the wrong direction.

Good luck.


Seconding U Cincinnati if you like the co-op system. They’re highly respected for that. Excellent urban campus. Apply to the Cincinatus scholarship program, apply to honors. You’ll likely get into engineering with a scholarship and can start getting paid coops sophomore year. It’s very different from Bama - weather, environment, career focus - so having Bama v. UCincinnati as choices would be real choices.


Just a heads up to make a spreadsheet of all the supplemental essays and topics that your schools will require. You will find that many are similar and that you can reuse some of your essays, usually after some editing to conform to different word counts.

Just make sure to triple-check that if you reuse essays that you reference the correct college name if you refer to them in the essay!


Sure thing.