Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

And after all these hundreds of posts, I am still confused. How would Purdue be very affordable to an OOS student with uncertain finances ? And other siblings in the picture. Will they give enough merit to get the numbers below very good instate options? Or other schools known for good merit. Transportation costs also can add up.


Purdue is cheap out of state. It’s about 40k full price before aide. My son with lower stats than this kid, and test optional, got 10k in merit. It would have been cheaper than any of our in state options. It’s significantly more prestigious than the in state, probably full tuition or full ride, options this student may have and that might appeal to the parents. I think Purdue is a real gem for out of state students.


Purdue is a wonderful school and great and highly regarded for engineering. Not sure the family can/would pay potentially extra for it . That remains a question. Not sure what any prestige threshold is.

But 30k a year or less might be doable where 80k a year or more at some schools may not make sense. If I was this kid’s mom I’d take Auburn, Alabama, or Alabama Huntsville free in state all day, but I think they want higher prestige, which I get too.


I don’t think Purdue gives much merit for OOS especially if applying for an engineering major. Was your kid an engineering major? That said Purdue OOS is awesome value.


My kid was Physics. He received a 10k presidential scholarship. He had a few friends apply as well and all got a bit of merit aide. I’ve heard here on CC they don’t give much merit oos, but that hasn’t been our experience.

Actually, looking at the award, my son got 11k from Purdue because there was another $1,000 for national recognition scholar.

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The OP needs to ask his parents if they would pay $30,000 (give or take) for schools that are not on the level of Duke or Columbia etc.

This is becoming very difficult because we don’t know what they will or can pay. We have gotten mixed messages. My sense is that they will take out loans for a prestigious school, but maybe I am wrong.

The good news is that when costs come back he will know. The instate schools will be affordable, which means this student will go to college.


Cheap relative to others yes and some do get $10k merit. My son did even though he shockingly chose Bama and now works with Purdue grads. Proved my concern wrong
It’s certainly worth taking the shot though. .

Don’t forget you have to add $2050 for engineering as a surcharge. Even full pay it’s a deal but a deal is only a deal if affordable.

Note @momofboiler1 has noted they are moving aid to need so it might be harder to go OOS but still this is one worth a shot (if OP were to like the school. Never overlook that - you are there four years. You have to like where you are. Not just the rank. If you love NYC, you might not love W Lafayette.


I’m not so sure. Remember the older sibling went to college and supposedly was paid to attend. This time, there are two siblings at once. That’s a costly endeavor.

I hear that. I think the instate options are going to be such a great value they will be hard to pass up. I think the in state schools would be a win for the student and the family, but there does seem to be a desire for prestige as this student is an academic standout.


Agreed. Purdue is not on the same level as Columbia or Duke. It’s far higher ranked for mechanical engineering.


for engineering
Purdue for the win.

But the Alabama instate options are just fine. This kid will get an excellent education and will be able to get a good job when he graduates.

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Great point!

The OP indicated he was maybe applying ED to Columbia. Is that still true? It seems that they are looking at overall rankings and not engineering.

I am getting dizzy

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And not forgetting as a school Columbia was only that highly ranked because they ummmmm
.what’s the word I’m looking for - cheated.


I do not know about this. Could you please explain?

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Finances are good and taken care of. While I will not answer these questions I will take them into account with my parents. Thank you for the concern.


Parents and older sibling suggested that I look into schools that are still good but might not be too high up there for engineering.

I sent you a message with a link. I didn’t want to take this thread more off topic.



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Most appreciative.

If unclear the OP can easily Google “Columbia US News scandal” for background