Chance me at Cal Poly SLO Class of 2022

With a calculated 4,672 MCA score. cal poly gpa is 4.20 capped and 3.97 unweighted. scored a 31 on ACT. Major is Kinesiology. Been on Varsity dance for 4 years. Captain this year. Almost 200 community service hours. Member of NHS. Have taken 7 AP classes. In-state

I went looking through the last 2 years’ acceptance threads and could only find one kinesiology acceptance. The MCA there was around 4500, but you never know if people are doing the calculation right. I’d say you’ve got a pretty good chance, but it is a very competitive major to get into, and this will be a tougher than usual year for admissions. Be cautiously optimistic :slight_smile: Good luck!

@Gumbymom @eyemgh You both seem to know the most about SLO … i began this thread in hopes to receive honest feedback. In the original post above post are my daughter’s stats. With those numbers, what do you think her chances would be for a Kinesiology major? Biological Sciences is her second choice major.
She is the most stressed out that I have ever seen her be. I can’t get her to relax. All I can tell her is that she is not the only student going through this right now. She’s done everything she can do to get to this point and now it’s out of her hands. It didn’t help that a friend of hers found out Jan 29/30 that he was accepted into both SLO and Pomona for engineering

@MelloG Thank for your thoughts. You have more patience than I do for you to go through the past 2-yrs of acceptances

I don’t “chance” people, because it’s simply a guess and I don’t want anyone to read anything into that. In this case, I’d probably come to the exact same, well reasoned conclusion, @MelloG did. No one can tell you more than that.

@teachmama2: I have no special insight on your daughter’s chances. Based on her stats and MCA score, she looks competitive. What will determine her acceptance will be how she compares to the other Kinesiology applicants. All I can quote are projected targets/acceptance rates for Kinesiology which may be around 10% and 13% for Biology. Both will be tough admits and with the campus being overenrolled, these may not be very accurate.

As @eyemgh has quoted many times and I completely agree that most students will be successful wherever they end up, even if it is not Cal Poly SLO.

With CSU admissions, you need to be patient since they like to drag out the process. Very glad I am done with both my son’s. Now I get to worry they will find some good jobs…

Best of luck to your daughter.

@Gumbymom @eyemgh Thank you

@teachmama2 I shudder to think how much time I’ve spent reading CC over the last 3 years, but in this case I used the search tool :smiley: Your daughter should be proud of her accomplishments and content knowing she has put herself in as good a position as she can to achieve her goals. She’ll do great wherever she winds up (but I still think it will be SLO).

@MelloG thanks again! praying very hard over here that she’ll end up where she should be (i hope it is SLO). like everyone is saying, and i keep telling her as well, she will be successful no matter where she ends up :slight_smile: