<p>I would like to know my chances for admission to the UC's and Cal states I'm going to major in business administration or finance. </p>
<p>Schools I'm applying to:
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State Long Beach
UCSB </p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 2.95
AP's: European History, AP Computer Science, AP US History, and taking AP Art History and AP Government as a Senior.</p>
<p>EC's: Have Over 100+ Hours in Volunteering at Basketball clubs, Surfrider foundation, Soup Kitchen, and Disneyland
-Played High School Basketball for 3 years Freshmen- Junior
-Field Hockey 2 years(Club team)
-Made my own Trading Portfolio </p>
<p>ACT: 21 - (retaking)
I know its really low, but I been studying and taking the October 26th test. </p>
<p>Thanks :)!</p>
<p>Hate to break it to you but unless your UC weighted gpa is higher, you cant even apply to UCs without being automatically rejected. There is a 3.0 gpa minimum for instate and 3.4 gpa minimum for out of state D: hope your 10-12 a-g gpa is higher.</p>
<p>You should definatly get into the cal states though. You’ve taken difficult coursework that should give you the advantage over the usual applicants to cal states. Please take some time to calculate your UC gpa (10-11 a-g course thingy, found on their website). I really, really, really, really hope its over 3.0. I don’t know about UCSB (a little unlikely) but Riverside would be do-able assuming you’ve got the gpa and required coursework done. If you are set on UCs and have the right gpa, try for merced too. Since it’s new its by far the easiest to get into. Also because it’s new it isn’t ranked yet and will probably soon become a competitve university. For now merced is easy to get into, but I think over the years a degree from merced will increase in value because the school will get better over time. Only problem is that it’s in the middle of nowhere…</p>
<p>Also, you’ve got really good ecs. Have you thought of trying for private colleges where they look at ecs more than state schools?</p>
<p>thanks man so much!
Yes I calculated my Acad GPA and its a 2.95
and Cant change it, because im a Senior now. I struggled at Spanish which brought down my GPA, go 3’s in Spanish. I was thinking maybe UCR would round 2.95 to a 3.0. Ill look into UC Merced I know its a newer school, but what you said might be true the ranking can go up on it. I actually was looking into private universities, like University of Redlands and Pepperdine. I dont know many in state that will accept me with my GPA. Thanks for your help!</p>
<p>any more opinions? thanks</p>
<p>From the looks of your EC (Disneyland) I’m assuming you’re instate. From the looks of it Everything except for maybe UCSB would be a match. However if you get your ACT up to around a 26-28 UCSB could be a low reach for you since you’re so close to their min. requirement and if you have taken some APs other than during your senior year your a-g GPA will be past a 3.00 for sure.</p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>thanks guys appreciate it!</p>
<p>Just applied to CSUF, going to start my UC applications this weekend. I’m working on getting my ACT score to 26-28 area hopefully that will help</p>
<p>UCR is a high match to low reach. If you dont make it to the UCs, you can always CC transfer.</p>