Hello! I’m a senior. I am currently waiting on decisions from some of those top tier schools, and I was wondering if you could possibly chance me! I do not want to accidentally think that I do have a chance at these schools if I actually do not. I have also gotten into a few safeties (ex. UVA) already (I am very happy about this
)Please let me know what you think and have a great day!
Schools: Cornell, JHU, UPenn, and Duke
Asian female - senior interested in medicine
High school is a magnet school consistently ranked in the top 20 in the nation
GPA - 4.56 (weighted) - my school does not do ranking/UW GPA due to competitive nature of school
SAT - 1600, 740 (USH), 800 (Chemistry)
AP’s - US History (5), Env Science (4), Chem (5), Calc BC (5), Stats (5), Comp Sci (4), Gov (5), Bio, Psych, Latin, Lit
Dual Enrollment classes - microbiology and research
- president of a medical service club
- volunteering at hospital for 150+ hours
- shadowing doctor every now and then (not anymore due to COVID-19)
- interning at a lab for 8 hours a day for 4 weeks
- latin club
- Model UN (3 local level awards)
- summer medical internship (cancelled due to COVID-19) - this was quite selective
- Honor Societies - NHS, NEHS, Latin Honor Society, Science Honor Society, MAT
- tutoring
- international level finalist in math related competition (I sent this in as an update since I got it after submitting applications)
- gold medals on National Latin Exam (twice)
- US Presidential Scholar candidate
I’m pretty sure my recommendations will be great (at least one of them!).
I have finished my essay and I personally think it is the best I have written!
Please chance me!
Ha! Girl, you’re good. I don’t want to give you false hopes, but there’s zero way you will be rejected from all four, and I’m confident you’ll get into at least one. My reasoning: I just had a friend get into NYU (less prestigious but within a stone’s throw for this subject) for biology prehealth with nowhere near your accomplishments (no SATs or ACT, 3.92 weighted GPA, only AP was a 5 in Studio Art, only AP/IB science was IB Biology HL, no science/lab related work, and no awards beyond school level). That’s not to say being Student Council President and being in NHS isn’t anything to forget about, but just based on what you have written gives me the impression that you have begun to narrow your interest before getting to university. I’m a hard person to impress, but from what I can tell, you certainly demonstrate that you have the credentials to do well at any of the universities you listed.
As far as the schools individually, I don’t know enough about the competitiveness of the biology/pre-med programs. I think as long as you highlighted the selectiveness and/or competitiveness of the programs and awards you received in your application as you have written here, you’ve got a good shot. Of course, as long as you didn’t apply for something like French Literature lol
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Thank you so much! I read your response and literally started laughing from surprise/hope. I don’t know about other applicants, but it’s so much more stressful waiting for me, knowing that it’s out of your hands now. I actually preferred the actual application process, just because it was still sort of in my hands.
Haha, I definitely did apply to the bio/chem side of things at all these schools 
Congratulations to your friend on NYU! 
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It’s a wierd question. You’ve applied. What we say doesn’t matter.
If you’ve gotten into UVA OOS, then you have a shot at every school in the country. A shot - doesn’t mean they’re easy.
You’ll have people get into UVA and turned down at Harvard.
Wait another month and you’ll have your answer.
My reaction is that UVA is a really good university if you are premed. You will find your premed classes there quite challenging, as they will be at any very good university.
I also think that you are at least competitive at any university.
You do not know where you will be in September, but you know it will be a very good university.
You have done very well up to now. I think that you just relax and wait and see what will happen.