Chance me at these universities!

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: South Asian (Indian), but living in Thailand
Languages (fluent): English, Hindi, Thai</p>

<p>Nationally recognized private high school (British International School)
Class rank: Class not ranked
GPA: Doesn't use GPA system
SAT reasoning: 1950 630 CR, 690 M, 630 W best so far; (November results not yet out, but I'm sure I did better)
SAT subject: Physics, Math II (Will be taking in December) Predict myself about Physics 680, Math II 600 :P</p>

<p>International Baccalaureate:
HL Physics: 6
HL Math: 5
HL Economics: 5
SL Business: 7
SL English: 6
SL Spanish Ab: 5
Predicted a B for ToK and B for Extended Essay, so at least 2 bonus points for sure.</p>

Community service - Habitat for Humanity (11,12)
Learning Thai (9,10,11,12)
Learning Golf (9,10,11,12)
Ultimate Frisbee (11,12)
Oil Painting (9,10)
EFR (Emergency First Response) Course (12)</p>

<p>Plan on majoring in Business (Accounting, Finance or Marketing)</p>

<p>Recommendations: Excellent from Business teacher, and good from English teacher
Essays: Well written essays, spent several weeks on each + revised by few adults</p>


<p>University of Pennsylvania
University of Virginia
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
University of California - Berkeley
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carnegie Mellon University
Indiana University - Bloomington
Lehigh University
University of Southern California
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Babson College
University of Maryland - College park
Bentley University
Bryant University</p>

<p>I would say you have a good shot at most of them, you might get denied at USC UNC-Chapel Hill, UC-Berkeley and UPenn but I think you will easily get into most of the other colleges. Affirmative action really helps you out!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply^</p>

<p>Bump :P</p>