Chance me at UC's?

Hi, I was hoping if someone could chance me for: UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSC, UCSB

Major: Biological Sciences

UC GPA: 3.85 (yeah I’m aware this is low but I messed up hard my sophomore year)

SAT (old): 2080 (800 Math, 610 Reading, 670 Writing)

Ethnicity: Asian American

Extracurriculars: Cross Country & Track 9th and 10th grade
Track and Field Manager 11th (due to major knee injury - talked about in essays)
Class Officer - 10-12th grade
Tutored at Elementary School for 100 hours + 100 hours of volunteering at temple/community warehouse
Job teaching kids math and reading since 10th grade
National Honor Society
Club Officer

Solid Essays

AP’s: Calc AB, BC, World History, AP Lit, Stats, APUSH, Gov, Macroecon, - AP Scholar

Already accepted into UCR, UC Merced, and Cal Poly SLO

Thank you!

You have a shot at all of those schools, but like you said, your GPA is a bit low for UCSD/SB. However, your stats are still very much in the range of admitted freshmen from 2016

Thanks! I’m also in-state if that helps my admission chances.

Yes being in-state helps for admissions since UC’s are public CA universities. Congratulations on your acceptances and as the above poster stated you are within range with your GPA and some of the UC’s, below that 25th percentile at the Mid-tier and top UC’s so that may be a problem. Biological sciences is a competitive major and impacted/capped at many of the UC’s on your list. Much will depend upon your essays, EC’s and the competition from you fellow applicants.

Just based on GPA:
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

So the Mid-tiers would be High Match 50/50 and the top UC’s anywhere from a Low Reach-Reach.

Best of luck and you do have some good choices so far.