Chance Me at WashU- Rising Junior

<p>Ok so I'm new at these forums but WashU is prob my top school and I just want to hear opinions for my chances</p>

<p>So I'm a Hispanic male in a pretty good public school in NJ we have several students every year going ivy levelish- in fact already three or four kids got into UPenn through ED in the current senior class</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted: 3.95
GPA Weighted: 4.46 (should be 4.5 by end of Junior year)</p>

<p>Rigor of Courses: Have taken everything honors except for english.. and doubled up in sciences whenever possible.. dropping a.p. spanish senior year tho.. cant take spanish even tho i am spanish... </p>

<p>A.P'.classes im going to take...
Calc BC
Chem (currently taking it now)
self study a.p. psych this year
A.P. U.S. History (terrible course in our school, get A's but expect a 2 in the ap test)</p>


<p>Will take chem, math II, and probably bio sat II's later this year...</p>


<p>Varsity Runner (XC, Winter Track, Spring Track) 9,10,11 (was in top 5 frosh frosh year, but because of that got terribly injured and havent been able to make a comeback since)
Varsity Swimmer 11 decided to try it out since I used to swim I'm doing good but not planning on doing it in college
Local Hospital ER room- only have done 20 hrs so far.. try to get that up
Going to take EMT courses over the summer
Work as a Lifeguard over the summer
Going to observe my friend's dad who's a urologist over the summer
Math League Captain (11,12 grade)</p>

<p>I know I need more volunteering hours, hopefully when i get my EMT license I can get enough before applying.. should do more clubs too.. but sports take way too much time</p>

I guess being Hispanic, first generation... my parents were once illegal immigrants that came here when they were 18 years old but they fulfilled the american dream and now living in an extremely expensive town (Randolph NJ). My mom went to comm college at age 40ish but I guess I still count as first generation college student?</p>

<p>Im planning on either majoring pre-med or biomed engineering. I want to go med but nowadays being a doctor isnt worth 8 years of schooling and the proposed health care plan will just screw doctor so we ll see... also considering applying early here... idk yet... any other schools you guys suggest for me?</p>

<p>i like your chances for sure…u should also look into some ives as well, i think ud be a very competitive applicant to them</p>

<p>very good chances… i go to wash u and would definitely encourage you to apply early. other schools to look at besides ivies… northwestern, u chicago, vanderbilt, emory</p>

<p>How much do you enjoy WashU? I actually have a friend who goes there who went to my school who got into there completely cause of running (He had like a 4.2 and a 1400 but was ranked #16 in the state at a time). Im visiting it over spring break and prob staying with him for a night so he can show me around, see how the nightlife and food etc…</p>

<p>And yeah I just prefer to go somewhere close and uchicago (where fun goes to die) is ehh… but I will consider all of those and will most likely visit all of them… thanks for your input.</p>

<p>Can’t hurt your chances for undergrad. No better way to show interest in the school than actually attending there. Also, you get to take some classes, meet lots of other great students, get an interview, learn about the various degree programs, and have great social activities as well.</p>

<p>I wish I could attend HSSP but I really don’t have the time. I’ll be working 40 hour work weeks, I’ll be taking a 120 hour EMT course, and I’ll be volunteering in my free time in a local hospital. Also, I have crosscountry practice every morning from 830-930 that I can’t miss.</p>

<p>Do you guys think I have a chance at schools like Harvard or Princeton? (Yale has blacklisted my school so I don’t even consider it). I don’t know whether I should apply early at WashU when the time comes and most likely get in, or apply reg. there and to schools such as HP and try my chances…</p>