Chance Me Baby :P!!

<p>In-State (Northern VA)
Race: Asian
Sex: Male
GPA: 3.75 / 4.2
Rank: top 20% i believe
APs: JR: English (4), US History(4). SR: Spanish, Econ (Micro/Macro), Statistics, Physics, English
ACT: 31 Composite (34 Eng, 33 Reading, 26 Math, 30 Science, 8 Writing)
SAT2: 630 Literature 630 Math II</p>


<li>Varsity soccer 10-12 (won championship 3 straight years...4th in nation; 3rd team all conference senior year)</li>
<li>JV Soccer 9</li>
<li>High ranked club soccer (won state titles, semi finalists in region)</li>
<li>National Honor Society</li>
<li>Spanish Honor Society </li>
<li>Spanish Club</li>
<li>Karate 4-10 grade</li>
<li>Community service around 100 hours total</li>

<p>Thanks...I am hoping to get in but I'm realistic at the level of competition.</p>

<p>Why are you ionly in the top 20% with such a high weighted GPA? I’d say your chances are good except for the rank.</p>

<p>Your ACT math score is quite low and your SAT II scores are not great. If you were OOS, UVa would be a high reach. Write some great essays, and you have a good chance.</p>