Chance Me - Bucknell University as Junior in HS

Already submitted this, but this one is more accurately structured.

Black, female from Pennsylvania. Live in rural, small town with about 500 students, public school. US domestic. Single parent household with 4 younger children.

Intended Major(s): Psychology or English Literature and Composition.

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
Unweighted HS GPA: 3.89
Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.0
Class Rank: 32/165
ACT/SAT Scores: Haven’t taken SAT or ACT yet.
Keystone Algebra Exam: I had to retake since online school didn’t prepare me properly.
1500 is the score you need to pass, and I got 1483 my freshman year, and then got an advanced score of 1557 when I retook it sophomore year.
Keystone English Exam Score: 1565 (An advanced score is 1584 or higher.)


So here’s how our classes are weighted: Honors is 1.03, PC NOW are college classes and are worth 1.05, and AP classes are 1.07. Regular classes are only weighted 1.0

Freshman year, I took Honors English and the rest were regular classes since I was homeschooled online and my classes were pre chosen. Had an unweighted GPA of 3.73. Class rank was 65/173. Had a few A’s, a few Bs and one C. Not my best work.

Sophomore year, I took Honors English, Honors World History, Honors Journalism, computer programming, gym, chemistry and regular journalism (I took honors journalism 2nd semester and had regular Journalism during my 1st) and Algebra 1 Reteach. Unweighted GPA was 3.87, weighted was 4.0 and my class rank was 42/172. Had all A’s in all my courses.

Junior year (first quarter), I took PC Anatomy (PC is dual enrollment for Penn College) Honors Journalism, AP European History (AP Euro is my only year round class apart from Journalism), Creative Writing and Geometry. Unweighted GPA was 3.87, weighted was a 4.0 as my lowest grade was a 95, and my class rank was 35/169.

Junior year (second quarter) All my classes are the same as first quarter, only my unweighted GPA was 3.89 with my lowest grade being a 92.

Junior year (third quarter, also the quarter I’m currently in) I’m taking PC Social Media and Business, Honors English 11, AP European History, Honors Journalism, and Algebra 2. All of my grades right now are A+ with my lowest grade being a 100.

Awards: Distinguished Honors/Honor roll (for entire high school career), Student of the Month (10th grade), National Honor Society Member, National Journalism Youth Correspondent and Indiana University Summer Honors Student.

Extracurriculars: Copy editor for Journalism, Student Council (10th grade), NHS member, Indiana University Summer Honors Program (Summer of 2022) and volunteer at Moose Jungle Teen Center. I also got nominated to attend George Mason University over the summer of 2023 as a National Youth Correspondent for Journalism.

Cost Constraints / Budget: Not entirely sure, but my mother is my only source of income and I’m not sure what her pay is. If I had to guess, it’s between $25/32 an hr, somewhere around 50,00 a yr maybe.


Safety: Indiana University, Lincoln University, Penn College, Penn State University, Bloomsburg University, Susquehanna University

(Un) Likely: Bucknell University, University of Pennsylvania (lol, don’t take this one too seriously) Franklin & Marshall College, Lehigh University.

Based on its similarity to some of your current choices and its strength in your areas of academic interest, you may want to consider adding Gettysburg to your list.


I’ll definitely look into it!

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I think you have a good shot! You should reach out now and see if they have any “diversity fly-ins” (even though you are closer.) It’d be a great way to check it out more as well as to get on admissions’ radar. Since you will need FA, you’ll want to be at the top of the list for that.

Don’t worry about your Keystone tests at all. They are typically not sent to colleges (check with your guidance counselor to make sure), and are not reviewed by AOs. They should have no impact on admissions.

I think you have a good chance at one of your reaches. Focus on the parts of your application that you can control: keeping your grades up, being proactive about getting good recommendations, and working on essays.

I would also recommend doing some studying and attempting a standardized test. Figure out if you prefer the ACT or SAT and take it at least once. You seem to be down on yourself about testing, but you with practice you may be pleasantly surprised.

Did your mom attend college?

I think you’ve got really good chances to go many places and do well. Affording some of them will be the key.

Take a look at Questbridge, because I think you’re an ideal applicant (though all I see is what’s written here). The page I’m linking to says the match is closed. Note that’s for this year’s seniors. You said you’re a junior. You want next year’s match.

Explore this site a little - or a lot if you think it looks good to you. If you matched, college would be free and there are many good schools that participate. Bucknell is not one of them unfortunately, but since you have others on your list and free would be awesome…


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely look into that website! It seems incredibly helpful and I’m always looking for new resources.

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Both of my parents started, and are currently in the process of finishing due to personal matters. And yes, standardized testing is something of an anxiety trigger for me as I overthink and overload myself and thus, end up getting answers wrong. I’m looking into Khan Academy to help me improve on my test taking skills.


Is there something about Bucknell and Lehigh that particularly appeals to you? obviously, I don’t know you at all, but they don’t look like natural fits from here.

Seconding the suggestion for Questbridge.

If your parents haven’t graduated from college, you may fit the definition of being a first generation student at many colleges, including Bucknell. Definitely look at the resources available for first gen students at the individual schools and in general that could help you in preparing your application.

Good luck! You seem bright, motivated, and determined…there will be a good fit for you somewhere!

I’m co-signing to the idea of Questbridge for you. Definitely check it out!

You will also want your family to run the Net Price Calculator at schools that you’re thinking of to see if the school will be within budget. Have you discussed an annual budget with your family yet?

With your safeties, you want to make sure three things are true. 1) You’re extremely likely to be admitted, 2) the school is extremely likely to be affordable, and 3) you would be happy to attend the school. The schools you’re listing as safeties are likely to accept you, but do they meet criteria #2 and 3?

ETA: Some other Pennsylvania schools you may want to consider are:

  • Allegheny
  • Arcadia
  • Bryn Mawr (women’s college that’s in a consortium with some coed schools)
  • Seconding Gettysburg
  • Lafayette
  • Washington & Jefferson

For some additional HBCUs that you may want to consider, have you thought about:

  • U. of Maryland - Eastern Shore
  • Elizabeth City State (NC) - which is one of North Carolina’s colleges designated for super-low tuition, including for out-of-state students
  • Spelman - a women’s college that really has an amazing sisterhood among its alumni

And if you’re open to Atlanta and women’s colleges, I’d also look at Agnes Scott. It’s a very diverse student body and they have very generous financial aid policies. Also, all the Atlanta-area schools participate in a consortium where they can take classes at other schools (so you could take classes at Spelman, Georgia Tech, Emory, Clark Atlanta, Morehouse, Savannah College of Art & Design, etc).


Because of lower than expected enrollment, NC is allowing some schools to take in 25% OOS state students. These include Elizabeth City, UNC-Pembroke and Western Carolina. You may want to look up NC Promise program. Tuition is $1000 per year plus fess. COA is well under $20K. It is an amazing deal.
I too encourage you to try Questbridge but it is getting more and more competitive. As @AustenNut pointed out, Lafayette might be a great option for you as they are need blind with a $1 billion endowment. Frankly, I’d probably pick Lafayette over Bucknell and Lehigh for you.


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